At the top right of the screen on SEN, I'm getting this weird stuff that says "Trend Micro PC-cillin 2006" or whatever up there.
I have that antivirus/firewall, but don't know why I'm getting this. I just got it today.
I'm also getting it at the bar where there used to be ads
Its either the cache bugging up or something on your computer.
When I used IE i had or white boxes in those places, or white boxes with error messages. It doesen't happen to me if I'm using FireFox.
Think it's just commercials. I can't see them now (Using IE), but there are some different commercials when I'm using Firefox.
Maybe try clearing you cache and getting a popup blocker. It could just be a "feature" of your virus protection though... ableit one that sounds unwanted.
Yeah, I have a pop-up blocker.
I think my father set it someway to do that, because just the day before he was configuring the Trend Micro PC-Cillin Internet Securities settings to block stuff like myspace(Don't use it.) and other sites.=\
Maybe there's some left over broken ad code that it's trying to block?