Legends of Argosia
A 1-p RPG/campaign hybrid with a generic but epic storyline. Since it's a campaign, and all the levels are different, for some of these catagories I'm only posting for level one.
On level one
-Unit placement[progress]96[/progress]
On level one
-Map tileset•Twilight for intro movie(High Temple)
•Jungle World on level one(Eastern Plains)
•Desert for level two(Western Desert)
•Ash World for level three(Fire Temple)
•Desert for level four(Sharadok Island)
•Badlands for level five(smuggler hideout)
•Space Platform for movie(Heaven?)
•Ash World for level six(Sharadok Island)
•Jungle World for level six(Eastern Plains)
•Twilight for movie(High Temple)
•Jungle World for level seven(Eastern Plains)
•Jungle World for level eight(Southern Forest)
•Jungle World for level nine(Elfkeep)
•Jungle World for level ten(Southern Forest)
•Installation for level eleven(Necromancer's Tower)
•Jungle World for level twelve(Southern Forest)
•Jungle World for movie(Elfkeep)
•Jungle World for level thirteen(Eastern Plains)
•Twilight for movie(High Temple)
•Jungle World for level fourteen(Eastern Plains)
•Ice World for level fifteen(Northern Ice)
•Jungle World for movie(peace in Argosia)
-Map size•192x192 for level one
Storyline / Introduction
Before Time started, the only living things in the universe were Mother Earth and Father Sky. Together they gave birth to Time and a pantheon of gods and goddesses. When Mother Earth died, Father Sky never ceased to mourn her. Now his wails of sorrow make the wind and his tears make the rain.
One of their sons was the god of invention, Ceataus. With permission from his father, he used the four basic elements; Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire; to create life on what was his mother's corpse and make the world of Argosia. He then built four intellegent races, one from each element. From Wind he created humans, from Earth he created elves, from Fire he created Flamebloods, and from water he created ogres.
For nearly a thousand years, the four races existed in relative peace, broken only occasionally by minor border skirmishes. Now, however, the ogres have unexplainedly begun a massive mobilization of their military, much to the displeasure of the other three nations.
Seventy years ago, a human knight named <player's name> was mortally wounded in combat with a dragon that had been terrorizing the local countryside. he was rushed to the High Temple in Tomdin City for healing. On the way, he lost consiousness.
Now he has finally woken up.
A seer at the High Temple tells him of what is happening with the ogres. They are using an ancient item of great power--the Ice Crystal--to tereform the rest of Argosia to match their frozen tundra homeland so that they can inade. To stop them, the knight has been chosen by Allora the goddess of peace to collect the other two of Argosia's powerful crystals: the Crystal of Balance and the Fire Crystal, to offset the Ice Crystal's magic. The seer tells the knight to go to the island of Sharadok to speack with the king of the Flamebloods and retrieve the Fire Crystal, then bring it back to the High Temple.
•Four large, free-roaming worlds to explore
•Dozens of side quests
•Zombies(gotta' love 'em!)
-Player InterfaceBy default, the player only controls the one human knight, but during certain quests, more units may temperarily come under your control. On the far left side of the screen is the "menu," which is blocked off by a wall of minerals and filled with becons. When the player talks to an NPC, he/she may be able to choose from either the "yes" or "no" becons to react to it. At any time, the player can move certain units to the "use" becon to use an item in his/her inventory.
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•"Yes" and "no" options for interacting with NPC's(you don't have to take every quest you are offered)
•Dungeons just dotting the landscape.
•Getting married to a hot elven princess
•Hybrid RPG/campaign
•Mount and dismout your horse whenever you want.
•Rest at inns.
Samir Duran as the Seer
Jim Raynor as you
Gui Muntag as the Flameblood King
Ragazal as the Mysterious Disembodied Voice
Alexi Stukov as the King Willowwhisper
Terran Medic as Princess Arrowfeather
Magellan as the Archmagi
Fenix as General Garbok
Tassadar as Morkan, god of chaos
Infested Duran as the Hero of Legend
-Weapons•In level one, you start with a bow(Hero marine) and can later buy a horse(hero vulture) There is a dungeon you can loot to get the Shadow Blade(Dark Templar) All can be accessed with the "use" becon.
-Items•In level one, just a note from the Seer. You can get more in later levels.
-Spells•None in level one.
Level one side-quests•Escort the trader caravan from Tomdin city to Shaden Village
•Slay the dragon
•Get the Shadow Blade from a haunted tomb
•Bring an old relic to the Shaden Village temple
•Destroy the brothel/get laid at the brothel
•Rescue some guy from giants in the mountains.
Screenshots / Demo
YOU is a working name. Any suggestions for a *good* name for the knight other than YOU?
YOU(again, working name) mounts his horse and leaves Tomdin. In the final version, the horse will not be able to lay spider mines, don't worry.
The purple guy must protect the yellow guys from the blue guys.
I'm not sure what this temple does yet.
When you stand under the Inn, you use the "yes" and "no" buttons to decide wether or not to spend 5 minerals and get fully healed.
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