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Staredit Network -> Lite Discussion -> My utopia
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cruzo on 2006-06-16 at 10:49:30
My idea of a utopia is an impossible one, based on humanity's need to feel better than everyone else.

My utopia would have no form of currency, none would be needed, all goods and services would be provided for free. Sure, you might not get any money for a long hard day of work, but why the hell would you need money when everything is free?

If you're wondering how the police and others who risk their lives almost daily would react to not needing money, they would probably get other benefits. I can't say for sure what, because this doesn't exist and never can.

Overall, I think money is one of the main causes of problems in the modern world. If there was no need for it, there would be no banks to rob, and most people who don't deserve it wouldn't be any better off than anyone else.

If any of you have your own version of this, feel free to post them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodan on 2006-06-16 at 11:34:00
But are you sure you understand what money is supposed to mean? Thousands of years ago, whenever someone did a service for someone else, they traded. They either traded goods, food, or other favors. And that's a perfectly good system for a small village of only a hundred or so people. But nowadays, there's no way to maintain such a trade system every time work is done for another. So money is meant to represent work that someone else has done. If I were a farmer, and you helped me with something, but you didn't need anything that I could trade for you, I would give you items that everyone finds valuable. That way, you could go get what you really need or want from someone else. Money is that very item that everyone can agree is valuable so that balance is maintained.

Money is just an advanced evolution of the barter system. ANY system can be abused, but its also very necessary to making sure people get what they need and help others. I'm not saying that it's without corruption, though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kow on 2006-06-16 at 11:53:20
Your instance of a 'utopia society' is basically communisim, and, as you said, is impossible for humans.

And It's more based on laziness than needing to feel better than someone. Say Bob does slightly less work than Joe, but they still get the same amount of benefits. Joe's less inclined to do as much as well. Bob sees this and does even less work. It's a vicious cycle.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-06-16 at 11:56:01
My idea of it:
You live on a almost deserted island with a big ocean lake in the center, your city is located underwater in 10 inch thick glass so it doesn't break, the city is constantly ventilated by filtering out water for the people to drink, it also ventilates the air inside the structure by pulling air from the surface and filtering out the impurities, people can also exit at any time to explore or play around on the island.
The great thing about it would be the people, they would be hard-working friendly people trying to create a more intelligent world by studying all fields of science and working together supplying each other with whatever they needed and such, and would occasionally send their findings to NASA, who then had the choice of sharing it, keeping it to themselves, or shredding it so it isn't exposed, the people and city would be very hard to access so there isn't very many visitors, and would be located between south america and australia.

There would be no currency and no debts required for payments, trades for items would be helping others with what you have and offering help if they needed it for anything.

Noone could claim land, so you could roam anywhere you pleased on the island, so long as you don't destroy what is there

But then again, all this wouldn't be possible, so here goes the bad part...

To protect themselves, the people would have to build highly sophisticated hydrogen bombs, these would be for a defensive army, and a offensive, they would launch a satellite into the sky that would look for large fleets of ships (boats or planes), and if any of them came within 1,000 miles of the island, the rockets would propel the bombs into the air to hunt down the invaders, though the islanders would avoid this at all costs, they would have to do it for in case the US ever decides them as a threat and want to take over.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-06-16 at 12:58:25
Vladimir Uljanov, more known under his pseudonym - Lenin, failed to create what you are talking about. The idea of having allmost no money (allmost means money were still there, but their meaning in life was very small), the idea of even people.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shapechanger on 2006-06-16 at 13:00:35
When you don't get paid, or given something directly for your work, you tend not to work as hard, if at all. If you knew you were going to get your food, water, utilities, and entertainment for free, regardless of how hard you worked, would you work your ass off, or do a half-assed job?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shmeeps on 2006-06-16 at 22:21:44
I'd work my ass off, cause the jobs I have right now are very fun.

My idea of a utopia is where I can just drown out anyone I don't want to listen to. Oh wait, I have an MP3 player. Guess I'm there.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lithium on 2006-06-17 at 05:25:48
My utopia would be the destruction of human race.

thats my second consideration.

heres the first utopia.

An united earth, developing infinately. There are no hobos, as they are forced to work on managing trash and cleaning up gums. No one here gets anything for free. the entire government is a republic. All the moneys that belonged to the parents go to their offsprings, however if it is abused, it will be taken away. The society is based on currency. All crimes that are considered serious (ex: robbery, murder, sexual harassment ) are given psychoactive implants that control their thoughts, and filter out bad thoughts, and is impossible for them to be lazy. All ethics group that are supposed to just say things that they dont even know is disbanded, and given a psychoactive implant. if a person is spotted lazy... jobless... and they dont do anything but playaround... they are given a psychoactive implant then sent to work somewhere that they are needed. Businessmens are required to spend 50% of their money making jobs for other people.
The money left from their parents have tremendous tax. 80% of it is taken away from just the tax.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-06-17 at 07:24:21
Unfortunately, none of this is going to happen.

My utopia isn't very realistic, but... My utopia would be a united earth under a dictatorship controlled by a robot, where there is no greedy people!
It's not like it'll ever happen -.-
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SunMoon_Emperor on 2006-06-17 at 18:08:31
Cruzo, think of this: if people didn't compete over money, they'd compete over something else, like food or sex or clothes or land.

My utopia is a world where I run everything. w00t.gif
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