A map where units or buildings will randomly 'morph' into other units or buildings (hence the name).
-Terrain• Terrain is simply the "the hunters" map, made by Blizzard.
-Unit placement• Players start with default units. (4 workers + 1 colony center)
-Triggers• Start with a set period of time (currently at 5 minutes; will be changed for balance and public demand)
• Every 30 seconds a unit or building will be removed; and replaced with another.
• In the case of buildings they will always be the same size.
Remove triggers Units
Create triggers Units
-Players• It will be an 8 player map.
-Map tileset• Jungle
-Map size• 128x128
-Player InterfacePlayers would play normally but their units could randomly morph into something else; helping them, or slowing down their assault.
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?• It's an entirely new idea.
Screenshots / Demo
• There are not currently any screenshots
• Any map pictures would be the same as "The Hunters"
• My computer sucks; I don't have printscreen
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