Ok, on my map there are 7 players and 1 computer. They start off all unallied and I want to make it so if the players do decide to ally vic they can win EVEN if the comp is still alive.
Ok this is what I have:
SWITCH1 IS SET (it is)
SWTICH 11 IS CLEAR (it is)
SWITCH 15 IS CLEAR (it is)
NONALLIEDVICPLAYERS BRING AT MOST 0 BUILDING TO LOCATION 204. (this location is a place where the comp always has 0 buildings)
I have in forces the Allied Vic box ticked as on. I have no idea why it doesn't work, since it's very similar to the original alliedvic trig in Melee maps. What happens is if a player allys another player then sometimes they win EVEN if they haven't allied everyone and if some other players still haven't allied everyone. The other players who didn't ally the first one lose..
All players, computer is considrered to be a player, so your saying the computer has to be allied too.
The thing is.. I had it one Force1 (the Human PLayers) and it still didn't work..
I really could use some help people....
try changing 'at most' to exactly.
Also, someone correct me if im wrong, but for allied victory to occur, ALL PLAYERS must have it checked or be set as enemies from the start..
hmmm would the computer ally vic'ing the humans help at all and im assuming this is ums map otherwise you wouldnt need triggers so maybe something so the computer also sets to ally aswell as ally victory then everyone is allied / allied victory and it should work
Yes it's a UMS map. I originally had to to exactly and it will didn't work. All start unallied at start but for some reason if some ally up (with allied vic) the other lose.. I have no idea why. The thing is the comp can't be their ally so I REALLY don't know what to do.
well if u want them all to ally victory and be able to ally and even when there is a computer u can win why dont u do exactly as i said and make sum sorta of "switch" to activate the computer alliance then the game should be over if this isnt wat u want then please say so
How would the switch detect if they are allied or not.
it wouldnt but the point is itd make the computer ally so if they really wanted to all ally theyd do that to prevent cheating maybe do something like bring to location then make everyone set alliances (make multiple people bring to location) or if ALL the players in the game bring to the location THEN set an alliance from computer and its their choice to ally and to even further prevent cheating ake the computer have an activatable unally trigger aswell as ally trigger then if sumbody does it just to stop the comp attacking them then you can make it angry again and beat them up