Hi all,
This is pretty noob but I used ISOM editor to make block terrain... now I wanna use normal terrain but I dont know how to restore it. Help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance
not heard that you can. its really not that hard to blend your new isom with your old rectangular. just leave some spaces between them and fill it in with the appropiate tiles.
Try using Isom- Fix (
Download). It fixed most of the ISOM in your map. But to prevent this from happening in the furture, try using SCM Draft.
or if u create the map on Xtra editor or something that uses isom basicly then u use an editor such as starforge for rect it should be able to do isom still however when putting isom on the blocks again itll leave little 1x1 square things aroun the border but that is easily blended and to be honoust you really should be able to avoid this seeing as Starforge also has a isom tileset (however annoying the isom is it still works)
Never use Starforge isometric tiles. It doesn't work properly. And if you open a map that has been square edited with starforge with x-tra or regular staredit you won't be able to place isometric terrain. So I don't know what you're talking about, shocko. Either use all rect or use SCMDraft.
well i never have problems when i do it so you know maybe i got lucky

mr smart ass

If you place square in Starforge and then place isometricies over it it works better than anything else though, makes it easier for blending some things.