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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Full-Effort WoSC
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Steel_Hand55 on 2006-06-17 at 15:35:59
Since I don't like typing, I'll make this brief:

I am making a full-effort WoSC. No offense to PCFredz or anything, but I just didn't like your rendition of a WoSC. It didn't have a real, involving feel to me; just running around leveling up, and then starting over again.

Also, I think you could've done more in the way of originality. The terraining wasn't that great, and the building insides? Not at all.

So, not to raise your hackles or anything Fredz, but I decided to make my own rendition.

Now, to everyone else, here's the Alpha version. It's not even Beta, it only works for one player, and not everything is completed. However, I can tell you what this version has, and what the finished version will have.

This version:

- All in-game triggers completed for p1 (i.e. entering buildings, spawn triggers, inventory triggers, kills to random cash generator [oh yeah, it's there and working female dog biggrin.gif ] etc.)

- First 4 (5?) Zerg missions complete.

- Rudimentary spell info for the Zerg heroes.

- (I think) all the terraining I'm gonna do, completed

Finished version:

- All in game triggers completed (obviously) for all players, 1-5

- All 10 missions for all 3 races

- All spells completed AND working disgust.gif

- Definitely all terrain completed

- Fun factor actually maximized (this is where I need your help smile.gif)

Ok, all I've promised in this version is right here in the attachment. I encourage you to play it, come back here, and (constructively) criticize it, to make it better. When this is done, I want it to kick ass.

- Steel_Hand55
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-06-17 at 15:48:07
You should uh.... close your BBCode tags. Put [/color] after a color, [/size] after a size, etc.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Steel_Hand55 on 2006-06-17 at 15:57:31
yeah, i was kinda working on editing that when you posted. it's all good now smile.gif

EDIT: aww, you don't wanna check it out? sad.gif it's like a slap across the face, the admin of the site doesn't wanna check it out..... crybaby.gif

jk. wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SunMoon_Emperor on 2006-06-17 at 16:41:17
All I see when I click on the thing to dowload it is a bunch of random characters.

So, until that's figured out, tell me this: WoWC was able to work because WC takes place in one world. How can a WoSC work when the SC universe stretches across different planets? Are you going to try to create that illusion or are you just going to set it all on one planet in particular?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Maith on 2006-06-17 at 17:47:43
So your basicly making your version of WoS?
Well I tried it out, it really dont seem all that diffrent...
I liked it better on PCFredz's WoS on the choosing race portion
(Start out by choosing race, not in game)
but thats what I think...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Steel_Hand55 on 2006-06-17 at 22:05:21
I was considering PCFredz's way, but you can't have units that are preplaced that way, since if you choose your race, it'll delete all preplaced units for you. I can't recreate some of the stuff there, like all the sci facilities and citadel of aduns and stuff smashed into 1 square. i'm kinda pressed for space down on the bottom, so i tried to minimize as much as i could w/preplaced units. an honest question (there is no intended sarcasm here): do really think it's that important? I mean, whats the difference, choosing before the game starts, or after?

and maith, you say it's not that interesting (or different, same thing smile.gif)? did you try out the zerg missions? you can access them in the hive.... ( i kno hte text scrolls fast; i havent timed the waits). i mean, there never were any missions in the ones from PCFredz, just to 'level up'. and i kno lots of this isn't complete yet, like the spells and everything. but essentially, i'm trying to give it a backbone by giving it a storyline. if you haven't already, check out the missions (in the updated version! angry.gif stupid trigs on some of the first ones).

btw emperor, i think you have to hit 'save target as' for the attachment to dl it. and this WoSC is set on one planet, but if this was popular enough, i was planning on making a few more or something to adress more galactic events. one i thought would be really cool was the ruins of the gantrithor/overmind. but that's just me.

note: i updated the attachment, since i found a few screwed-up things, and i was in a hurry to submit it the first time.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SunMoon_Emperor on 2006-06-18 at 16:16:59
w00t.gif OMGOMGOMG AWSOME!!!! w00t.gif

I do have a problem, though. When I have my guy walk long distances, he will often pass too close to a hive/nexus/CC and get sucked inside against his will. Have a beacon outside these buildings or something so that players won't accidentily run inside in the middle of a battle.

But still, w00t.gif OMGOMGOMG AWSOME!!!! w00t.gif I liked the feel of being a foot soldier instead of being, as is usually the case in StarCraft, Supreme Dictator of All.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Steel_Hand55 on 2006-06-18 at 19:57:00
lol, thx a ton sunmoon. i was actually considering abandoning the project, since not alot of interest was shown. thx a ton for the praise tho smile.gif c, i could make a beacon, but did you notice it got a little crowded already in the towns? beacons might make it a bit tough to navigate. also, this way, ANY building will be enterable, even if the comp builds it after the game starts. plus, im running out of locations wink.gif did you try the missions? are they gay, or good? plz give me feedback!! happy.gif happy.gif

not to be annoying or anything tongue.gif, but u DO realize that you can enter other buildings, right? every terran buliding is enterable, most protoss are, and only the zerg hive is sad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Dungeon-Master on 2006-06-18 at 20:15:30
Did'nt played the map caus i'm making my new map: Station 37 RPG but i'm sure it kik ass... i have a question: Since all buildings can be entered, i guess the enter buildings location is moving on players, right? Like:

Player 7 (or whatever is the good comp) Move 1 creep colony to "Player 1 hero"

Move all mens for player 1 from "Player 1 hero" to "Inside a creep colony"
Preserve trigger
Comment: Entering in Any creep colony

It this the kind of trigegrs you use?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Steel_Hand55 on 2006-06-19 at 01:37:55
thats it exactly. and i've got the player 1 hero location constantly centering on ur dude (obviously smile.gif)

btw, thx for the words of encouragement. smile.gif

to anyone who visits this thread: i will be gone for six weeks starting monday, june 19 to camp.

i URGE you to download this map, try it out, explore everything, and then post comments, suggestions, etc.

tho i won't be able to respond to them until i get back from camp, i GUARANTEE that i will review, and, if appropriate, address them. yes, every single one of them (i hope theres a lot tongue.gif!)

PLZ, i repeat PLZ try this map out, and post back comments. i REALLY want this map to succeed, as all my others have been absolute washouts disgust.gif. i'm trying my hardest to make this as good as i can; i would really appreciate if you help me in this endeavor.

~Steel_Hand55, signing off

P.S. if you just read that and went whoa, he might have actually touched an inspirational chord there!, i laugh at you tongue.gif jk, jk tongue.gif, of course
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