Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Dark Swarm
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HolySin on 2006-06-17 at 16:49:28
I know there was a similar topic, but the conditions were much stricter. What I have are four defilers with dark swarm (one defiler for each of the four players). What I was planning on doing was have it so that when a player uses dark swarm, their defiler would teleport to the location where that dark swarm was. Now I understand that Dark Swarm belongs to player 12, which screws up everything because it would make all the defilers move to one dark swarm. Now, the only restriction I want is to not have it so that the dark swarm has to be in a certain distance (within a location that follows the defiler).

Here were some things I thought of that that I knew would just fail, but could be used for another plan:
-Use vulture spider mines so that when a dark swarm a computer player who owns the vulture spider mine comes in contact with the dark swarm, the vulture spider mine is given to the player who used dark swarm.
-Place a vulture spider mine for each character in each square the defiler can teleport to. Have it so that when a player uses dark swarm, their vulture spider mine disappears and their defiler is teleported to the location where they have no vulture spider mine.
-Using random triggers. A vulture spider mine is constantly being given to random players so when a dark swarm and a vulture spider mine that belongs to them, their defiler is teleported to a location.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-06-17 at 18:54:08
heres one way that i know.

p1 2 3 4 etc..

bring p12 atleast 1 darkswarm anywhere

center location Swarm on dark swarm for p12
remove dark swarm at Swarm
create 1 zergling(burrowed) for current player at Swarm
preserve trigger

then in ur teleport trigger you would do something like

p1 2 3 4 etc...

current player brings atleast 1 zergling anywhere
center location Teleport on zergling for current player
remove zergling (or kill) at Teleport
move all defiler for current player at anywhere to Teleport
preserve trigger

when reading this you may realise some parts probably arn't perfect so a few adjustments might be needed
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HolySin on 2006-06-17 at 20:08:45
That wouldn't work because you're teleporting them all to one spot. That's not what I wish for.

Came up with another idea:
-Player 1 is casting Dark Swarm. When doing so, his or her minerals is set to 1. Dark Swarm is cast and all players who have exactly 1 mineral is moved to the location of the Dark Swarm. Minerals are set back to 0.
-Player 2 is casting Dark Swarm. When doing so, his or her minerals is set to 2. Dark Swarm is cast and all players who have exactly 2 mineral is moved to the location of the Dark Swarm. Minerals are set back to 0.
-Player 3 is casting Dark Swarm. When doing so, his or her minerals is set to 3. Dark Swarm is cast and all players who have exactly 3 mineral is moved to the location of the Dark Swarm. Minerals are set back to 0.
-Player 4 is casting Dark Swarm. When doing so, his or her minerals is set to 4. Dark Swarm is cast and all players who have exactly 4 mineral is moved to the location of the Dark Swarm. Minerals are set back to 0.

Can a player casting a spell be detected?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-06-17 at 20:11:25
the way i said worked if u use a private location for each person Or if u just edit a few things so it singles them out yes it would work if u need me to do it for u i will
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HolySin on 2006-06-17 at 20:15:18
No, your method will not work. Your method includes making zerglings for "current player" which means a zergling is made for each player. A location is moved over each of those zerglings, which are moved in the same spot because all dark swarms belong to player 12. Therefore, all of the defilers would teleport to the same spot.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-06-17 at 20:16:27
i may of set it out wrong here but if i really must ill do it for u on a test map and ill show u it
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HolySin on 2006-06-17 at 20:19:08
Why do I have the strong feeling that the method you'll use will not work for my map? Oh well, humor me and show me your test map of it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-06-17 at 20:21:25
ok ill do it in about 5 minutes im still talking on sen : ) if ur on USEast add me (Shocko[xM]) and ill msg u when im ready. im usually found in clan Xm
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HolySin on 2006-06-17 at 20:34:42
If you actually try to do this, you'll realize that it's much harder than it seems. Also, I'm trying to avoid EUDs. I know I could easily do an energy point detection and move on, but I rather use another method.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-06-17 at 22:45:46
i was close but i didnt know about the order of triggers (p1,2,3,4 etc..) so it failed but i was close happy.gif also i did get one system thatd work but i need to work on it a bit because due to the order of trigger p1 2 3 4 etc... it acts like 1 channel and p1 will allways get owned by everyone else because his freaks up everyone SO... i have to figure a way to make sorta "servers" or "channels" that each player can pass through and not intercept each other there is many systems to do this but im trying to do it with 0 buildings, 0 extra units, 1 location and yeh thats pretty much it -- its probably been done so ima just shut up happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Corbo(MM) on 2006-06-18 at 00:38:15
Yay my not-solved-teleporting-system thread... sad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by in_a_biskit on 2006-06-18 at 00:53:56
Defilers have to stop moving to cast dark swarm, don't they? You could try detecting defilers that are not moving, and are close to the dark swarm, to reduce the likelihood of moving more than one defiler.

If the dark swarm has a high casting cost, you can also try to further restrict the number of possible defilers that move by measuring the minimum amount of time between spellcasting.

Or you could make it quite inconvenient for the players, and force them to take turns casting dark swarm (by setting everyone else's energy to 0 during their turn)...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-06-18 at 07:39:24
at the moment that turn thing is sort of like mine but im looking for a way around it so that they can all cast, as fast as they want, no turn based and yeh... ur walking one would be ok but what if 2 defilers walked together and then one of them decides to swarm surely its just by chance that you get the right person
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Falkoner on 2006-06-20 at 11:05:25
Yes, but there is no perfect way to know, so this works the best, trust me I think it may have been my post he talked about that had already been posted, I spent around a week trying to get this to work right...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Noober on 2006-06-20 at 12:02:30
Well now that EUDs are alive again, is there a way you can detect which player's defiler has 0 energy (have the en for swarm be 200 and constantly set the en back to 100%) and detect which player cast it?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot that he said that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-06-20 at 12:07:42
there is, but he holysin doesn't want to use EUDs. even though they would be the most surefire way of doing this.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2006-06-20 at 14:18:41
QUOTE(in_a_biskit @ Jun 17 2006, 11:53 PM)
Defilers have to stop moving to cast dark swarm, don't they?  You could try detecting defilers that are not moving, and are close to the dark swarm, to reduce the likelihood of moving more than one defiler.

If the dark swarm has a high casting cost, you can also try to further restrict the number of possible defilers that move by measuring the minimum amount of time between spellcasting.

Or you could make it quite inconvenient for the players, and force them to take turns casting dark swarm (by setting everyone else's energy to 0 during their turn)...

It doesn't have to stop that long to cast the darkswarm, and it would be extreamly difficult to detect that the unit had stopped to cast a darkswarm because if it was moving before hand, it would still appear at that moment of time that is was moving.

The only way I know how to detect if a unit is moving is to center a very small location on him every time he leaves it. (when the location centers it means he moved, basic footprint principle) If you compare a defiler that just stopped nither of them would have moved off the location detecting its movement, even if the locaiton is only 1x1pixel. What you would need to do is delay the effect of the dark swarm until one of the defiler in range that moves. This may only be a second but it will also not be fullproof.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-06-20 at 21:31:09
I suggest using EUDs to detect energy as well. Actually, you could detect to make sure the defiler is in range even with detecting energy, to make sure that if two defilers are casting at the same time far away from each other, they get assigned to the right dark swarm.

In all seriousness, if two defilers, right next to each other, cast dark swarm at the exact same time, you'll never be able to figure out who cast which one. You could get pretty close by using Bolt's idea, EUDs for energy, and checking for range, though.
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