Ferrari Bound
A new bound with a few twists.
Obstacles - Around 15 {May Change}
Lives - Easy(30) | Hard(15) {May Change}
Difficulty - 7/10 (going to be a 10/10) later.
-Obstacles[progress]60[/progress] {60%}
-Terrain[progress]75[/progress] {75%}
-Unit placement[progress]100[/progress]
-Triggers[progress]70[/progress] {70%}
-Map tileset•Twilight
-Map size•128x128
Storyline / Introduction
Errr.... it's a bound...
-Player InterfaceSee Storyline/Introductiono
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•See Features
-Extra Features•Marine as bounder (not a ling)
•Stacked Text (2x & 3x) {Not Complete in Demo}
•4x Speed
•Player Colors {Not Complete in Demo}
•Ban (P1)
•Lag Test (P1)
•MiniMap Picture of Ferrari (Custom Colored. My name didn't turn out too well.)
•Difficulty Chooser (changes default life amount)(P1)
•Music On/Off *Custom music made w/ Fruity Loops
•Life Distributer
•Thinking of adding a timer
•Thinking of cloaking marines
-Obstacle Ideas•Plain Explosions
•Gravity Pull
•Keys to Remove Blocks
•Spasmatic Screen
•Last obstacle = 1 life each
•Possible timed obstacles
Screenshots / Demo
Demo attached (Some Bugs + Not Complete)
Made with Production Template (keep this link to help propagate this template or you get smitten!)