Sorry for not looking hard enough in the Tutorial Database. Won't happen again.
Well, now that that's cleared up, the way I'm doing it is different than all yours.
Basically there is a 2x2 space where the dropship will go over. Over the 2x2 space, is yes you guessed it, a 2x2 location! I'm just doing it to where when the unit is created, remove the unit and then do the action wheverever it's happening. Now instead of using switches and waits to load the dropship I'm doing a seperate trigger that will be like this: (I'll use that the zergling makes your hero go super fast as an example) P1=Human P8=Computer
Bring(p1, AtLeast, 1, zergling, p1dropshiplocation);
GiveUnits(All, dropship, p1, p1dropshiplocation, p8);
CreateUnit(1, zergling, p1dropshiplocation, p8);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Transport, p1dropshiplocation);
GiveUnits(all, dropship, p8, p1dropshiplocation, p1);