well I am trying to make an explosion at a location that is centered on scanner sweep when player 12 brings at least 1 scanner sweep to anywhere.. is this possible?
Don't think Scanner sweep is owned by Player 12... Or if it can be detected. One of those two may be your problem.
I've tried this a long long time ago. I'm not sure what result I got but it was that it didn't work. I think the location just centered in the middle of the map and not on the scanner sweep.
Do you have to use a scanner sweep? Why can't you just use a different unit?
maybe he wants to use it as an artillery aimer or something.
ya, what everyone else said, scanner sweep is undetectable.
Well have you guys seen mooses last dawn 2 map??to use the units special you have to use the comsat station..
I was trying to work on this myself. I'll post the results tomorrow when I finish my research. I am not sure which player owns sweep, but I think it it the player that used it. This is my theory on how scanning works. A unit is created at the spot where you click, and then it is instantly destroyed. This allows you to temporarily see the spot you scanned. It might not be detectable because it happens so fast.
Death vision lasts a lot shorter than scan vision...
I do not believe it is possible to detect scanner sweeps. I tried to do a simple center location on, but it did nothing. Then I modified it to say 'detected' if all players bring exactly 1 scanner sweep to anywhere. This did nothing.
Also in the attached map is a test i did on dark swarm.
You can detect a player has used a Scanner Sweep. However, you cannot detect WHERE a Scanner Sweep is or center a location on it.
Works: Current Player commands at least 1 Scanner Sweep
Doesn't work: Current Player brings at least 1 Scanner Sweep to Anywhere
ok thanks moose that fixes my problem with the scanner sweep.