Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Ideas -> Streets of Rage Replayable Map idea
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LordBaal_33 on 2006-06-23 at 00:05:31
I know this is gana sound weird. I was thinking about making a Streets of Rage RPG. It will be based on the second and final Streets of Rage games. The catch is i will let you chose a hero out of the main heroes of the last two streets of rage games. Then each hero will have there own special attack. I will also put in random spawns and randomize it so the enemies never appear in the same place. You will also chose the diffuculty that you wish to play on. once you beat the game it will ask you if u would like to play again on a diffrent diffuculty. Thus unlocking a new Hell like mode and also giving u the last two other options you have not chosen yet from the beging of the game. Yet if you select not to and have beaten Robot X, aka the final boss you will win.

Please help me out and let me know if you think it would be worth trying this out.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2006-06-23 at 02:34:40
There would be switches involved and a lot of locations wink.gif
Here are my ideas:
For teh randomization, make like 4 locations, each named a something like 'A' to 'D'. Now, go to the triggers menu and make a Condition: 'Command Atmost 0 Unit', 'Switch 1 is Set', 'Bring Unit to Pick Hero'; Trigger: 'Create Hero at A' and so on.
But for the randominzation (sorry), make a Condition: 'Always', 'Randomize Switch 1' and so on for the other four switches, and 'Preserve Trigger'.

And the spawning of the Heroes, you've probably already got that figured out:
Bring unit to Location
Switch is Set

CreateUnit At Location

I hope that helps. uberwoot.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LordBaal_33 on 2006-06-24 at 02:58:26
thanx a bunch templeguard for the help. that helped a lot.
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