QUOTE(RedNara @ Jul 6 2006, 11:54 PM)
You should make a RP map where only 1 guy is the master or w/e. A rp map where everyone can make any units they want is a little gay sometime... some people just mess up the fun... but im not a big rper...
The problem is, most of the time when you go to play rp maps, you'll get twinkers, or people who don't really rp. I guess one thing I think is you don't have to unally each other to make combat happen
Which leads me to an idea. Get all the non-hero's units hp/damage balanced so that when upgraded (Not includeing Weapon/Armor upgrades) that one won't be overpowered. After that make their hp like 5x as big. Heros hp 10x as big, they're heroes... right? Leave the damage low though. This is to make it so if you do go for the unally for combat route you have more time to get story and is less trying to micro your hero out so he doesn't get pwnt when you're trying to help the story out.
If you are working on it, hope it's going good.