Yup, its done, it works, and it's already implemented in my map, SC Tournament Prime...
Using EUDs, simply whisper someone something specific, and poof, they drop out of the game...
Beauty of it all is that:
A. It
only responds to your nickname, so
only you can ban (I don't trust anyone else to ban righteously, especially in a competitive game like SC Tourney)...
B. It doesnt matter what slot you're in, it will work from any slot in the game...
C. As a matter of fact,
you don't even have to be in the game. Just today, friend of mine was hosting my map, and some guy was hacking. Whispers me as to how to ban him. I ask him for the guy's nickname, and poof, he's gone, meanwhile, I'm in a completely different game...
D. Completely Mac friendly. That's right, these EUD triggers will not screw up a Mac player, since they simply desync the player they act on. The only downside is you probably can't ban a Mac player, but who makes hacks for macs anyways?
Now, I realize there are a few weaknesses in this system that aren't listed. Actually, specificly, 2 of them... I don't know if they should be posted here though, incase of abuse...