QUOTE(l)ark_13 @ Jun 24 2006, 08:37 PM)
Have hyper triggers for a computer that doesn't use waits.
And if all players use waits, just make sure the hyper triggers are at the very bottom of the trigger sequences.
i do believe thats wrong, it doesn't matter where the waits are in a player's trigger list, it'll still cause wait blocks.
The wait actions will still block each other, but actions earlier in the trigger list have higher priority. So if you put the hypers last, your other wait actions will be blocking the hypers, instead of the other way around. So it can be still problematic, but for many people it's 'good enough'.
You can make sure that there's no interference to either the wait actions or the hyper triggers, as said above, by giving the hypertriggers to a player that doesn't have any other wait actions.
If you still want to avoid wait actions though, there's nothing wrong with using death counts: One method would be to have a death counter continuously counting upwards starting from the point when you have the dialogue sequence, and then have text display triggers activate when the count reaches 60, 120, ... or whatever intervals you like.