Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> create hero dt?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Hackerck on 2006-06-24 at 20:18:15
here is what i want, in a map, which u have both zerg and protoss on ur hand, there is protoss gateway in zergs base, what i want it to do is when i make a dark templar in zergs base, i want it to become a hero dt, but when i make a dark templar out of the protoss base, i want it to be the regular d templar, how should i do that?

oh and, the zergs and the protoss are controlled by one player

kinda hard huh? I don't want it to be when u bring the protoss dt into zergs base and become the hero dt, that's kinda not natural

pros, plz write up the trigger for me
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kurz991 on 2006-06-24 at 20:32:48
i think the triggers would go like this..

¤ Player 1
¤ Current Player brings at least 1 "Protoss Dark Templar" to '*Gateway Location'
¤ Center location labeled '*Dark Templar to Hero' on Protoss Dark Templar owned by Current Player at '*Gateway Location'
¤ Remove 1 Protoss Dark Templar at '*Dark Templar to Hero' for Current Player
¤ Create 1 Hero Dark Templar at '*Dark Templar to Hero'
¤ Preserve Trigger

*Gateway Location - Make a location over your Gateway.
*Dark Templar to Hero - Make a 2x2 location.

only problem is that u gotta find a way to keep the player from getting any other non hero dark templars to the gateway location.

DTBK Edit: There is no reason at all not to make it one trigger
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DoomGaze on 2006-06-24 at 21:56:51
There is a way to prevent the Dark Templar from changing into the Hero Dark Templar when it approaches the other gateway. Of course, this means that you'll be using Zeratul as well, since the regular Dark Templar will be used as a buffer unit or something. Just apply the regular Dark Templar to Hero Dark Templar to the other gateway and have it change into Zeratul instead. Wait, is the Protoss allowed to create gateways? Because that may present a problem.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Hackerck on 2006-06-25 at 15:23:41
nonono, zeratul is already a character...i thought about that before cause there is 3 dts in the game...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DoomGaze on 2006-06-25 at 16:50:47
In that case, you'll have to think of another buffer unit. If you don't mind a cheesier approach, you could have a probe go on a beacon to 'warp' in the hero Dark Templar if you have enough resources.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2006-06-25 at 17:26:34
Incredibly Complex Procedure follows, disregard if not ready.

Center a location labeled something like ZBase on all Hatcheries, Lairs, Hives, Creep Colonies, Spore Colonies and Sunken Colonies continuously. Make it the size of the finished creep expansion, so it will always cover the entire Zerg base.

Center a location labeled something like ZGateway on all Gateways brought to ZBase contiuously. This will define them as a Zerg base Gateway and stops the "must be preplaced" problem.

That wasn't the incredibly complex part, FYI.

Now you must create 2 mobile grids over each gateway, joy.

Since units are created

You should

a) Have a secondary ZGateway location be the size of the Gateway, plus about 3 tiles on each side. Name it something like ZGateway2
b) Have 2 unused computers. (Not exactly necessary, but makes it more professional.)

Create 8 Units owned by the unused computer 1 (Henceforth known as p1) and 1 for unused computer 2. (Same deal) The units should be observers.

You should have something like this.


Each O be an observer, the blue one be the different computers. You don't need the center one so make a kill all observers owned by p1 trigger at ZGateway. Center a new location, named whatever, on the blue O. (Note, it probably won't be blue, nor an O.) Kill all observers. Repeat, this time go 7 p1 and 2 p2. Kill off the one in the old location, and center a new location on the one left. Repeat until you have unique locations surrounding teh Gateway.

Now, do it again. But further out. You should get a Gateway in the middle of a grid, make it so that all DTs brought to the inner squares move to the outer, so you can't unnaturally convert one. Make all the DTs that get to the gateway change into the hero through the standard method. Maybe make shuttles move away too, and overlords. So you can't cheat it.

Now then, do you REALLY wana do all that, or just accept a little glitch? wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-06-26 at 20:00:01
It would be hilarious if you actually tried to use that system.
Oh man, I'm laughing already!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-06-26 at 20:18:50
syphon, does that thing actually work?

also, i think i have another system. lets just say, its not quite as sophisicated as syphons. its a counter-based method, but only works with a set number of gateways. at the end of the trigger cycle, a death counter adds up every normal DT there is. a trigger somewhere else in the cycle will count up every normal DT into anothe DC. everytime a normal DT enters a location surrounding the gateway. if the location DC ever registers more than the total DC, then convert one of the normal DT into a hero DT. after that, recount the normal DT and input that data into the total DC. also, if a normal DT dies, then remove one from the total counter
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-06-26 at 21:27:22
Um.. wow. Syphon, you could definitely just use a big location and a little location instead of mobile grids, lol. Inventive and functional idea, though.

Make a small location bigger than the gateway, so if a dt is spawned, it ends up in this location.

Now make a location 1x1 bigger than this location on all sides. So if the original was 5x5, this would be 7x7.

If a player brings a dt to location 5x5 (be sure this one is ABOVE the next one), remove dt, create hero dt. If a player brings a dt to location 7x7, move dt away.

Not too hard, eh? I think a lot of you were thinking wayyy too much.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DoomGaze on 2006-06-26 at 21:27:36
Yea, that thing works.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Hackerck on 2006-06-27 at 01:14:11
it looks unatural thou, and that's not what i want, the whole idea is to be natural
Report, edit, etc...Posted by R0y- on 2006-06-27 at 05:49:07
Make a small location bigger than the gateway, so if a dt is spawned, it ends up in this location.

Now make a location 1x1 bigger than this location on all sides. So if the original was 5x5, this would be 7x7.

If a player brings a dt to location 5x5 (be sure this one is ABOVE the next one), remove dt, create hero dt. If a player brings a dt to location 7x7, move dt away.

It looks unatural thou, and that's not what i want, the whole idea is to be natural

Let's use switches then... -.-
Note: The gateway(s) will have to be pre-placed to make this work >.< Also this has 1 minor flaw which I hope somebody else can solve...

Okay say you got your gateway. Put a 6x5 sized location or w/e where the units would spawn from gateway. surround this with other locations (1x7, 7x1, 1x7, 7x1).

user posted image

Have a switch devoted to the dt -> hdt (I will call this switch x). have switch x set. Now have triggers like this:
¤ Current player
¤ Switch x is set.
¤ Current player has at most/least/exactly 1 dark templar at (location 6x5)
¤ remove all dark templar for current player at (location 6x5)
¤ Create 1 Hero Dark Templar for current player at (location 6x5)
¤ Preserve Trigger

¤ Current player
¤ Switch x is set
¤ Current player brings at least 1 dark templar to (location 7x1 (1))
¤ Current player brings at least 1 dark templar to (location 7x1 (2))
¤ Current player brings at least 1 dark templar to (location 1x7 (1))
¤ Current player brings at least 1 dark templar to (location 1x7 (2))
¤ Clear Switch x
¤ Preserve Trigger

¤ Current player
¤ Switch x is cleared
¤ Current player brings at most 0 dark templar to (location 7x1 (1))
¤ Current player brings at most 0 dark templar to (location 7x1 (2))
¤ Current player brings at most 0 dark templar to (location 1x7 (1))
¤ Current player brings at most 0 dark templar to (location 1x7 (2))
¤ Current player brings at most 0 dark templar to (location 6x5)
¤ Set Switch x
¤ Preserve Trigger

This will make it look as natural as possible... except for one thing...

The only flaw of this is that if you bring a dt to the hero gateway while a dt is building in the hero gateway, the dt (when finished building) will not turn into a hero dt... I haven't been able to figure out a solution to this problem after 75 whole seconds of thinking about it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-06-27 at 11:36:14
your system is very flawed, almost every time a dt is brought to the 6x5, a hero DT will be made. thats because your switch will spend most of its time set. your clearing trigger expects 1 DT to be in each of the 4 locations at the same time. when you move those DT away, the switch will be set again.

i still think my counter method is best, it allows you to bring units next to the gateway, and therefore looks 'natural' and is quite simple to use.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2006-06-27 at 14:14:08
QUOTE(fritfrat(U) @ Jun 26 2006, 08:27 PM)
Um.. wow. Syphon, you could definitely just use a big location and a little location instead of mobile grids, lol. Inventive and functional idea, though.

Make a small location bigger than the gateway, so if a dt is spawned, it ends up in this location.

Now make a location 1x1 bigger than this location on all sides. So if the original was 5x5, this would be 7x7.

If a player brings a dt to location 5x5 (be sure this one is ABOVE the next one), remove dt, create hero dt. If a player brings a dt to location 7x7, move dt away.

Not too hard, eh? I think a lot of you were thinking wayyy too much.

A small and large location might make the unit just walk through the middle and become one anyway, mine always walked the opposite way.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Hackerck on 2006-06-27 at 18:31:03
sooooo, zeratul 101, if u think ur idea is good, can u write up the trigger for me? i don't really get what were u saying...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pyro-Fire on 2006-06-28 at 05:43:05
yuo guyz r nubz0rz!!

Simply put the gateway in an area that is unacsessable by other units (surround by high terrain/water ect)
when u build, teleport to spawn point. if bring DT to that gateway, make it a hero. problem solved.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2006-06-28 at 13:54:52
QUOTE(Pyro-Fire @ Jun 28 2006, 04:42 AM)
yuo guyz r nubz0rz!!

Simply put the gateway in an area that is unacsessable by other units (surround by high terrain/water ect)
when u build, teleport to spawn point. if bring DT to that gateway, make it a hero. problem solved.

Then... GASP you wouldn't be able to make new gateways ever?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Hackerck on 2006-06-28 at 14:17:48
again, the whole idea is to be natural, teleporting is not natural to zerg...those gateways are suppose to be hybrid gateways controlled by zerg
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-06-28 at 16:05:52
There is no way to tell which Gateway a specific DT came from. What you're asking for is not possible to do.

Your next-best option is to prevent DTs produced in one base from moving to the other base, preventing them from mistakenly becoming heroes. Any method that does this will certainly not look 'natural'.
You'll either have to Deal With It™ or drop the concept entirely.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Hackerck on 2006-07-14 at 17:14:30
yeah i guess... I will just make them bring the dt to a certain place and then make them become hero dt, it is undoable i was thinking about it for almost 2 month...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lethal_Illusion on 2006-07-14 at 17:25:05
Here's a way that should work...

Have a location on each gateway (gateway in zerg base and not in zerg base)
Since there are 3 types of dark templars (regular, hero, zaratul), you could just do this:

When you create a dark templar in the non-zerg base, it turns into a hero dark templar.

When you create a dark templar in the zerg base, it turns into Zaratul dark templar.

I think that should work...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-07-14 at 18:35:35
Here's a way that should work...

Have a location on each gateway (gateway in zerg base and not in zerg base)
Since there are 3 types of dark templars (regular, hero, zaratul), you could just do this:

When you create a dark templar in the non-zerg base, it turns into a hero dark templar.

When you create a dark templar in the zerg base, it turns into Zaratul dark templar.

I think that should work...
nonono, zeratul is already a character...i thought about that before cause there is 3 dts in the game...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lethal_Illusion on 2006-07-14 at 19:50:56
Heh, I only read a couple posts tongue.gif
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