I need to stack a "building" tile in the badlands set pretty high, so it looks like a tower. Is there a way to stack the tiles so I can have varying widths at different heights?
The page you are looking for doesn't exist. Refreshing the page won't make it exist.
dang... it was a good tutorial, what you should do is create a normal 1 by 1 isom structure in your map and select the middle tiles. Then copy and paste them above each other until you get your desired hieght.
i suggest you download DEAD's GTA map, imho(and others too), he makes the best badland buildings.
Where would I find this DEADS GTa maP?
download database, i don't really feel like finding the link for right now
This map kik ass, and the buildings are nice but almost impossible to make!
How are they impossible? Ive done it... If I get my lazy ass off the couch, ill post s pic of mine for you.
TY for the map. Had some fun with it too. It helped quite a bit.