Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Few different questions
Report, edit, etc...Posted by mayonnaise on 2006-06-24 at 20:35:24
I'm making an Airplane map, just to give you an overview of what I need. First.

1. I need to have a pilot system. I'm thinking of having some beacons to slow down and speed and and ect. My problem? I don't know how to speed up a units speed with a trigger. For example. I have a battlecruiser going for take off. You press the accelerate button, and it goes faster. Turning would be nice too. If you could help me, that would be great.

2. Not a question so much, but a confirmation. I'm going to have different speech sounds come like when you come into an airport. Then, to choose whether to land or not, (Affirmative or Negative), I'll have a "chooser" unit go to a beacon.

This map is still in thinking stage, so I'll have more Qs as I go on.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DoomGaze on 2006-06-24 at 21:51:39
1. You either can use some tricks to alter it into two speeds, but otherwise, you can't really change the unit's speed without modding. As for turning, it depends on how much variations on the angles you want. It's not that difficult, but it takes quite an amount of triggers and locations. I would like more specific information in order to help you.

2. Er...Yes it works? What's the confirmation you needed?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by mayonnaise on 2006-06-26 at 20:08:08
Here's my idea for a piloting system. I'm going to have a section of the map that is a control panel. The different dials and switches to control the plane are here. For example, for acceleraion, two siege tanks would be lined up. When you move them both up evenly, your plane goes faster. With the obvious locations and such to keep them in the same place. I'm not sure about a steering wheel, but I want you to be able to control the speed, altitude and steering of the plane here.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Electroid on 2006-06-27 at 08:50:45
In my opinion, there's only so much you can do with Starcraft map making, but here's some ideas anyway.

Each player has some status bars, displayed by permanent text, which indicates the player's altitude, fuel, etc. The status bars change, according to the player's current status. (This is quite easy to do, but will take some time to structure the triggers properly)

You could have a Intro message, which suggests the players should hotkey certain units, that control the plane. Maybe you should have your control system in the middle of the map, so that players can hotkey a unit, and select a location on the minimap to direct the unit's orders. For instance, if you select your direction unit and click on the lower left corner of the map, the plane will move/attack to that direction.

Gotta go, good luck with your map.
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