Hey, I was wondering if anyone could do a trigger for me. I don't know how to do it. Well the trigger is everyone starts out with something like a marine but one person gets Raynor ( Marine but hero ). This should randomize every time the round is over or the players die. So like 4 guys get a marine 1 get a raynor and it randomizes. Thx.
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but maybe it would work if u created for the actual Force (i.e Create 4 marines and create 1 jim raynor for [force name] at [location]) I dont know if that would work though.... (condition is timer/elapsed game seconds), but it should!
Great! This is just my area! I've nearly finished creating a trivial pursuit map, which randomly picks 50 of 256 inbuilt questions each game. It gets complicated when you start getting into higher figures, but considering we are dealing with low figures in your game (5 players?) its quite easy to do.
Are you new to Switches? If you are, I'd recommend you browse the Help menu. They are pretty easy to understand.
Okay, lets assume there are a total of 4 players. Each round, you want the map to create 1 jim raynor and the other players marines. However, you want this system to generate this process at random. I'll explain this as clearly as I can.
(Main Trigger)
[Trigger 1]
If round 2 begins (whatever condition this is)
Switch 3 is Clear
Randomize Switch 1
Randomize Switch 2
Set Switch 3
Preserve Trigger
Notice, I've added Switch 3 to stop the trigger from running again, as you have the preserve trigger to keep the trigger active during the entire game.
(Jim Raynor Player 1)
[Trigger 2]
Switch 1 is Clear
Switch 2 is Clear
Switch 3 is Set
Create 1 Jim Raynor for Player 1
Create 1 Marine for Player 2
Create 1 Marine for Player 3
Create 1 Marine for Player 4
Clear Switch 3
Preserve Trigger
(Jim Raynor Player 2)
[Trigger 3]
Switch 1 is Set
Switch 2 is Set
Switch 3 is Set
Create 1 Marine for Player 1
Create 1 Jim Raynor for Player 2
Create 1 Marine for Player 3
Create 1 Marine for Player 4
Clear Switch 3
Preserve Trigger
(Jim Raynor Player 3)
[Trigger 4]
Switch 1 is Set
Switch 2 is Clear
Switch 3 is Set
Create 1 Marine for Player 1
Create 1 Marine for Player 2
Create 1 Jim Raynor for Player 3
Create 1 Marine for Player 4
Clear Switch 3
Preserve Trigger
(Jim Raynor Player 4)
[Trigger 5]
Switch 1 is Clear
Switch 2 is Set
Switch 3 is Set
Create 1 Marine for Player 1
Create 1 Marine for Player 2
Create 1 Marine for Player 3
Create 1 Jim Raynor for Player 4
Clear Switch 3
Preserve Trigger
Try this out. You may not understand it at first, but the more you play around with Switches the easier they get. Switches is the only way to randomize in Starcraft.
Any questions? Message me. Good luck
Do a randomization of 3 switches for 8 combos. 1st one is P1 gets hero, P2-5 gets marine, the next combo is P2 gets hero, P1,3-5 get marine, and so on. THen for the last 3 combos, re-randomize.
Just look at above post... he beat me.
Thx, and I am sure it would work but is the way the trigger is now, each player takes turn to get Jim. For example the triggers above, P1 get raynor P2-4 get marine then P2 get raynor 1,3,4 get marine and ect. I want total randomization. So like maybe P1 would get Jim twice in a row.
Yes, that already is randomization. Take a second look at my first trigger. It randomizes the switches before selecting which player gets raynor. Switch 3 is fired after the randomizing of the switches, then, depending on which combination the switches are in (for instance, 1-Set, 2-Clear) the player is chosen at random.
Ok thx, I thought it didn't. Thanks alot.