Hi, i got this UMS map, and i recently figured out what the "current player" thing does. But the thing is i have this trigger and it goes off once, itll switch a small town over to an enemy side and a revolt starts, it has text that shows the civilians talks etc, but one the person that trips the trigger can see it, noone else can.
The trigger is tripped by somone putting a unit into a certain location. How can i make everyone see the text that appears without having the revolt triggered multiple times? I.E without having 3 siege tanks and a small army appear every time a new player enters the trigger revolt location.
Have a trigger for every player,
Player 1 is tripped
Message for Current pLayer
Player 2 is tripped
Message for Current Player
Have one for every player in every players folder!
QUOTE(7-7 @ Jun 27 2006, 12:29 AM)
Have a trigger for every player,
Player 1 is tripped
Message for Current pLayer
Player 2 is tripped
Message for Current Player
Have one for every player in every players folder!
Aha yesss... i think i see a way around it now. Im gonna have to separate the messages from the actual event and put them into all the players folders. Make a switch that happens whenever the event is triggered to trigger the messages for the players! w00t!
See ive got them all lumped into the same trigger right now. My maps a mess heh, its real complicated and im trying to smooth it all over and make it robust and playable. Thanks, ill probably be back somtime soon with another problem.
don't listen to 7-7, thats will lead to wasted space. when a player have captures a town, set a swtich(each player should have this trigger). for the text message, use this trigger:
force w/e everyone is in
switch is set
display text message
for the p8, create this trigger:
clear switch
use preserves if you need them.
Yes that will work too, but Switches are tricky and can easily be screwed up and if you didnt see his post, he has figured out what i mean and I have helped many people and I think people do like to listen to me.
Switches would imply trigger order. Don't make it more complex then it has to be, is my opinion, but it would work.
The best and most efficient way by far, in my opinion, is using deaths or any other type of variable that you can set for multiple players. In my Stratego game, I have 136 different messages that a single player activiates and both players need to see. Though you can replace the unit with anything, what I did was simply "Set deaths for Force 1: Set to 1 Ursadon." Then I had a trigger "Current player suffers atleast 1 death of Ursadon: Display text, set to 0 death of Ursadon for Current Player." That way, it fires for the entire force, only using 2 triggers. For more messages, just use 2+ deaths, associating a different message with each number.
EDIT: 7-7, half the time you give advice, you're wrong. Even though your way would work well in this case, I think it has an unnecessary number of triggers in it.
DOUBLE EDIT: Actually, looking at 7-7's method, with slight modification, his can actually be useful and efficient. Split up your tripping trigger into 2, with exactly the same conditions, except that the one with the display text is activated for all players instead of 1 player (for example, change it from "current player brings unit" to "force 1 brings unit.")
Also, when the revolt occurs, set a switch. Make it so this switch must be set for the revolt to occur, and it will only go off once.
IRT 7-7
i'm not saying your idea won't work, i'm saying its a waste of space, it utilizes many more triggers than it needs to. this also applies to all but one of your posts. like seriously, using 200 locations for one feature...(talking about one of your firsts posts in MMA)
IRT fritfrat(u)
in the case of a single message, i'd prefer to use switches(unless i'm running out) because it reduces the chances of simple errors,it only has 1 option, whereas deaths have 3-4. thats just my style(reducing errors by limiting the chances of errors occuring - i also try to use as few conditions as possible), but in the case of many messages, i'd definitely go with death counts.
I have the simple answer for you.
The current player option will only trigger for the player that executes the conditions.
Make the condition current player, and the action all players.
If current player brings at least 1 marine to location 1
Display text for Force 1
QUOTE(Electroid @ Jun 27 2006, 08:30 AM)
I have the simple answer for you.
The current player option will only trigger for the player that executes the conditions.
Make the condition current player, and the action all players.
If current player brings at least 1 marine to location 1
Display text for Force 1
You cannot choose who do display text for in that action; the actual wording of the action is: Display message for current player: text. And of course, you can't change the "current player", otherwise it'd be easy.
7-7, do you read your post before posting it ? I duobt it...
The force trigger is much more simple. And what you said
Switches are tricky and can easily be screwed up
is total Bull Crap. Switches are tricky ? Only for a person who doesen't know how to use a fork. Easily be screwed up ? How ?
Use FritFrat's death counter method if you have multiple things to display. I've used it many times and it works flawlessly.
QUOTE(Noober @ Jun 28 2006, 12:08 AM)
You cannot choose who do display text for in that action; the actual wording of the action is: Display message for current player: text. And of course, you can't change the "current player", otherwise it'd be easy.
Well duh, im not guna go and luk at the exact name for the triggers. Sorry that you are such a perfectionist. Oh, and you can specify what text goes to which player.
otherwise it'd be easy.
It is, noob.
QUOTE(Electroid @ Jun 28 2006, 10:12 AM)
Well duh, im not guna go and luk at the exact name for the triggers. Sorry that you are such a perfectionist. Oh, and you can specify what text goes to which player.
Perfectionist my ass, that's the truth. Your original post said "Display text for force 1", while the condition was "If current player brings at least 1 marine to location 1". Now, since the only player that receives text using the the display text action is "current player", you said if current player brought a marine to location1, it would display text for current player. You can't have a current player bring a marine to a location and display the text for everyone. You could, however, set the player to the force/all players, then specify which player brings the marine and display the text. In that case, current player would be the whole force, and everyone would see it.
QUOTE(Electroid @ Jun 28 2006, 10:12 AM)
It is, noob.
Why flame?
QUOTE(Electroid @ Jun 28 2006, 08:12 AM)
Well duh, im not guna go and luk at the exact name for the triggers. Sorry that you are such a perfectionist. Oh, and you can specify what text goes to which player.
how is making up fake triggers going to help anyone? its not being a perfectionist, its just not being stupid.
and if you can specify which player to display text to with the 'display text message' action(which you can't), show me a SS of you doing that.
QUOTE(Electroid @ Jun 28 2006, 08:12 AM)
It is, noob.
he's much better than you are...
If the bring says 'current player brings to location' switch it to force 'X' or all players if you want it to play for everyone.
QUOTE(Electroid @ Jun 28 2006, 10:14 PM)
lol il let u b*tches sort this out urselves then.
We already sorted it out a long time ago. You're the one that came and posted bad info, which led to more confusion.
Lock this?