i made a map where you must survive from dt onslaught. the way i want it work is that dts spawn from the corners of the map, and wander around the map and if they see a player they attack him,
what ends up happening is that all the dts go in the center...which im guessing is because i had them patrol in a location and thats the middie of the location. i don;t know what else to do...i tried anywhere also
err, use junkyard dog(i always forget the exact wording) ai script, that will make them roam randomly. no need to preserve either(i think)
If you want the dts to be more aggressive, you could use the random suicide AI script.
don't patrol use junkyard dog, if you've never herd of the ai script it's in xtra-editor, and if you don't have that or are to lazy to dl it i think dodge the rapest is unprotected and you could copy the trigger, but that is kinda frowned apown so i would dl xtra-editor if you don't already have it