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Staredit Network -> Videos and Movies -> The most MESSED UP MOVIES EVER!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KoopaShellz on 2006-06-27 at 00:59:10
Ok, I've been trying to look for those one-of-a-kind scarry as hell movies that can completely change your life...Im talking about Horror and Thriller, im talking major scary and/or are some movies that I have found

Number 1: AUDITION
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Audition is about a middle-aged widower(wife died seven years ago, sickness), he holds a fake audition for a movie so he can meet a new women, he finds a nice women, and calls her on dates frequently...the problem is, the women only wants a part in the movie. As it rolls on, the women disappears one day, and he goes searching for her, he eventually gets into her apartment....he trips over a bag of laundry, the bag suddenly movie around....he tries to open the bag and when he does, a man comes out of the bag and has 3 finger, his tounge, and both feet litteraly CUT off...then the women comes on screen again, and you see her vomitting into a bowl, then she feeds it to him! the man wakes up, and realizes it was a dream, but when he wakes up, hes paralyzed, and cant move. The women is with him and says she is going to make him suffer, she then starts doing the most twisted toruring ever! she takes little needles and pokes them in certain pressure points for unbelievable pain, then takes more needle and pokes them under his eyeballs. She then takes a piano wire and cuts off his left foot! the son comes home and the women almost kills her, but the son kills her by pushing her off the stairs, but the question is(at the end)....was it a dream?

Number 2: MAREBITO
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Marebito is about a middle-aged camerman who videos tapes a man killing himself(knife to head) the man watches the tape of the other man killing himself, he notices the man killed himself because he was "afraid"...the man then marks his goal in life to "feel" this type of "fear" the man felt to the point he would go crazy and commit suicide. As he searches the "suicide scene" he finds a tunnel leading to the "underworld" where he finds a young women. He brings the young women to his apartment, then realizes she is a mute. He tries to feed her and give her water but she doesnt like it. He comes home one day with a paper cut....the young women goes crazy and starts licking his finger, he then gets a knife, and cuts is whole hand(not off), the starts licking/drinking all the blood. He eventually gets to the point of craziness that he KILLS his own ex-wife just to feed this young girl....and video tapes him doing it....then he, again, kills another person, and, again, video tapes himself doing it...he does this for the best of heart, but doesnt realize that he going crazy. He then realizes what he has done...and then realizes that this young girl is his own flesh and blood, his daughter....he then cuts off his tounge, they both go down the tunnel, and back to the "underworld" to live forever, where neither of them can talk, and where he can finally get the satisfaction the feeling the "fear" the other man felt to the point of suicide.

Number 3: AbNormal Beuty
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AbNormal beauty is about a young school girl photographer, who has a shady past of abuse. One day she witnesses a gruesom car accident, but instead of getting freaked out, she is aroused by it and starts to takes pictures of it. She then starts getting facsinated with death. She buys bookes on "death art" and is fascinated by all of it. She then starts killing animals and takes pictures of it, she even pays people to kill animals just so she can get a "good shot". she brings friends over to her house a covers then with paint that looks like blood, and threatens them with a knife, and takes more pictures. She one day decides to stop. But when she does, she starts to get wierd, gruesom, bloody pictures sent to her. Then she gets sent a videotape of a young girl being horrifiaclly tortured(i mean to the head bad...) then she gets sent another videotape. this times its her best friend(who is also her counsin) being horrifiaclly tortured...she starts to go crazy, then she gets captured and tortured, but kunningly tricks the "torture-er" into killing himself...and she gets away with a few scars. she tries to continue her life....but there still lies the question of what happened to the people of her past that abused her....

Number 4: Suicide Club
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Suicide club is about young people(school boys/girls) who are comitting random acts of suicide all over tokyo. Imtalking F'd up suicides, im talkin' girls who jump in front of trains, school kids who jump off their school building, even parents like moms and dads, who cut themselves into peices with a steak knife. A police officer is stunned by these events. People all around town saying that thier is a suicide club going around. The police officer gets calls from a "young-person-sounding voice" that tells him that there isnt a suicide club, the officer has very little time to figure out the connection between the whole tokyo society, and random suicide events...

Yes, all these movies are "asian" movies, but if case you dont know, asian people are the only ones who makes creative, original, very gruesom, twisted, and scary horror and thriller movies.

The reson I post this is because I want to know if anyone watches scary movies like these, and if they know of any wierd twisted movies like these....please post comments about these
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shapechanger on 2006-06-27 at 01:11:27
"freaked up" comes to mind.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-06-27 at 01:28:41
I'd have to say the most "freaked up" movie I've ever watched was Battle Royal, which was a Japaneese movie. (I think.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KoopaShellz on 2006-06-27 at 01:39:20
yes, it was a japanese movie

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it was a good movie, but it wasn't a twisted-type movie, I like the movies that a really freaky and twisted, but at the all makes sense in the world...ya know what i mean?

maybe it was korean....
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2006-06-27 at 02:46:05
lol never even heard of these weird movies. Man sucidie club that name just sounds odd... But their are a lot of movies like that in japan...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KoopaShellz on 2006-06-27 at 10:58:41
yeah, out of all of them, I would say Suicide Club was the wierdest, If you ever get to watch it, you'll when the movie starts, you watch like 50 girls/boys go down into the subway....when the train comes, they all stand on the edge of the railing, then they say, "one, two, and a three" and they all just jump onto the track, and get hit by the train, and it shows it all! it doesnt jus move the camera away, it shows these peoples' head and body parts getting squished and town apart by the train! its so nasty!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-06-28 at 10:52:05
Yes, all these movies are "asian" movies, but if case you dont know, asian people are the only ones who makes creative, original, very gruesom, twisted, and scary horror and thriller movies.

That's because in america they can get sued for being "Over Violent"
Pretty nasty stuff you posted, I'm sort of intrested in sucicide club but I get squismish around violence like that. Something to do with my imgination, like I feel what's happening on the screen is happening to me (If they show it in detail, someone getting shot or stabbed is fine) like when I watched "Saw" and the guy was cutting is leg off, creepy feeling.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-06-28 at 11:16:53
I've seen some Japaneese or Chineese "scary" movies and have come to a conclusion that they're not for me. Boring.

In general 99.99% of today's movies is cheap unworthy crap.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ermac on 2006-06-28 at 11:37:19
Thats sounds like some really "disturbing" movies, i mean even both Saw movies made me feel uncomfortable about how the people had to torture themselves to stay alive, and if they really show everything squish out on the suicide club, i wouldn't watch it.
I mean yeah i like some action and violence, but i don't like when there's too much, i'm not a sadist.. And that AbNormal Beuty, ugh, i hate animal abuse :/
Report, edit, etc...Posted by n2o-SiMpSoNs on 2006-06-28 at 19:24:29
Hostel was a pretty weird movie..

I heard Brokeback mountain was a weird one too.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Do-0dan on 2006-06-28 at 20:18:54
Some things should never be thought of by human minds..I guess Asian directors don't get that.

QUOTE(n2o-SiMpSoNs @ Jun 28 2006, 05:24 PM)
I heard Brokeback mountain was a weird one too.

I expect it was pretty gruesome
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HolySin on 2006-06-28 at 23:51:55
I could think of something scary if I really wanted to. Because I can do this, I'm sure thousands of other people can to. Some of these people become directors and do this. Apparently, it happens in Japan more often.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KoopaShellz on 2006-07-05 at 23:24:49
hahaha, everyone is so creeped out by Suicide Club...and Yes it is VERY GRAPHIC!!!!!

It literally shows everything...even when the movies starts...jus seeing the students from school...knowing their going to kill themselves in creepy...then all of a sudden, they jus jump, and the camera is put right up to a girls face, and it LITERALLY SHOWS HER HEAD GETTIN RUN OVER! it doesnt jus move the actually see this girls head explode and blood gushes all is a really messed up movie!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TuPingu(EAST) on 2006-07-06 at 00:48:00
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I liked this messed up movie. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KoopaShellz on 2006-07-07 at 01:46:02
lol..but really, I hated that it was showing so "gay" scene's...yeh...not my style...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-07-07 at 02:05:51
iunno the movie that tripped me out the most was The Grudge but only when like one second everything was reasonablly peacefull and then BOOOOOOM a big old scary face appears a girl is screaming blood is flying and yeh helpsmilie.gif

Addition: id have to say Final Destination 2 was pretty un realisticly graphic. with the whole ladder smashing in tht guys eye and then like little ligiments and crap pop out that was gross or when the guy gets cut into 3 pieces and it all just slides down OR when the guy gets crushed by glass OR when the girls head pops off coz her neck was cut off by an elevator... yeh pretty graphic movie

Addition 2: i deffinately like the sounds of suicide club just coz i like that sora movie. today i watched a movie called cry wolf where like they played a game to see whos lying then they took it "one step further" and tricked the whole school it was sum girl called dodger's idea and then like weird crap started happening but it was all like a joke to scare the english guy (why it always us cry.gif ) and then the english guy gets all paranoid thinking that this teacher that was sleeping with dodger a student had killed like everyone and so he shot him and it ended up dodger had killed sum girl at the start (they based the game on her death) and then yeah. a few little details i should go into -- there was a blone girl murdered at the start, the teacher hadn't killed the blonde, the most freaked up part is that like they made the story set out to kill each other so like, one person died looking at themself in a mirror then another person died in a chaple and the people playing the jokes went along with it so thats what made the english guy paranoid.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ClansR4gays on 2006-07-07 at 02:48:10
Ya I liked the grudge too, seeing it makes me want to watch all te movies on your list. I didn know about audition though, just because its number one on horror movie countdowns alot. They show clips and it doesnt seem that good.

I know im a nub by ur standards in azn cinema only being able to quote something mainstream like the grudge, but I really liked it. There are alot of ppl i no that say it was stupid but they would movies in a group, and thats where i feel these movies lose there touch(dont know why) becuase SAW 1 was just as scary watching it with other people(that f***ing closet scene!).

I was watching the director's comments about the film being brought from japan and having to do some westerization, and it was able to pick out what makes western horror different from asian horror;
You see, in EVERY the is a way do defeat the great evil. There is some method to counter everything. This is western thought. The Eastern method of dealing with evil is to jus steer clear of it. Stay away. If you someone do manage to cross paths with something demonic, well... sucks to be you. The upside well be a tale in your honor further illuminating why the people should stay away from a supernatural evil.
Thats what makes the movie so good, its different. The whole time I was think "OK! maybe if shes where theres lots of people! or a camera! or...she'll try to reconcile the ghost's path and there will be a happy ending!" nuh-uh. They still put some small western elements that where hinted(the burning of the house = solution), but in the end they stayed true and made a great movie!

EDIT: the director's comments were on the grudge not saw
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-07-07 at 10:30:45
i havent seen SAW I or SAW II coz it doesnt really appeal to me i cant remember seeing it advertised in england so when i came here and saw "Saw II" being released i saw some little clown figure guy thats face reminded me of a sorta jet plane and thought it was going to be a horrible movie so i didnt watch it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SiLeNT(U) on 2006-07-07 at 17:48:49
QUOTE(Shocko @ Jul 7 2006, 01:05 AM)
iunno the movie that tripped me out the most was The Grudge but only when like one second everything was reasonablly peacefull and then BOOOOOOM a big old scary face appears a girl is screaming blood is flying and yeh  helpsmilie.gif

Addition: id have to say Final Destination 2 was pretty un realisticly graphic. with the whole ladder smashing in tht guys eye and then like little ligiments and crap pop out that was gross or when the guy gets cut into 3 pieces and it all just slides down OR when the guy gets crushed by glass OR when the girls head pops off coz her neck was cut off by an elevator... yeh pretty graphic movie

Addition 2: i deffinately like the sounds of suicide club just coz i like that sora movie. today i watched a movie called cry wolf where like they played a game to see whos lying then they took it "one step further" and tricked the whole school it was sum girl called dodger's idea and then like weird crap started happening but it was all like a joke to scare the english guy (why it always us cry.gif ) and then the english guy gets all paranoid thinking that this teacher that was sleeping with dodger a student had killed like everyone and so he shot him and it ended up dodger had killed sum girl at the start (they based the game on her death) and then yeah. a few little details i should go into -- there was a blone girl murdered at the start, the teacher hadn't killed the blonde, the most freaked up part is that like they made the story set out to kill each other so like, one person died looking at themself in a mirror then another person died in a chaple and the people playing the jokes went along with it so thats what made the english guy paranoid.

I saw that Cry_wolf movie a few days ago too, the ending was pretty unrealistic, but somehow creepy.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HolySin on 2006-07-07 at 21:29:53
Oh for God sakes, the Grudge was not scary. It's just pale children making weird faces and croaking. If you don't close your eyes and actually watch everything, you'll realize how stupid everything really is. All it is is a death which made a boy turn into a ghost and he kills people and those people become ghosts and repeat on, almost like a disease. I guess I'm seriously missing something. I found most of it was just sound that scared people, nothing else. However, the Japanese version, Ju-on, even though it was along the same lines, had more of a psychological scare, but even then, not really that scary.

I'm surprised that most directors havn't thought of these ideas:
-A creature or ghost that kills you if you do not stare at it (seriously, I find this much more scarier than a monster that kills you if you do stare at it). [Touch on Suspense]
-Waking up in the middle of nowhere and finding that the skin above on your chest has been ripped off and ribs cracked so your ribs are exposed, and you see a creature (how about a large wolf) running at you from the distance, making it so you have to roll over and hope you die before being slaughtered by the creature. [Touch on Gore]
-Finding yourself in a vast area of cement, nothing else can be seen from the distance, completely lifeless, and constantly having the feeling of being watched. [Touch on Psychological]

I don't know, I just find those scary. Because with the staredown idea, imagine you're in your bed and you stare at it and it stares at you. You blink and it's slightly closer. You then stare at it for hours and get tired. Or how about having to make a choice, luckily though, the maker of Saw had thought of it, so I have some hope left for horror directors. And last, I find pure isolation and the thought of knowing you'll die in a couple days frightening. Maybe these are lame ideas, and maybe they could be expanded on, but the most possible option is that I'm just crazy.

Putting that all aside, I've seen some of those movies, meaning I've seen Marebito and Suicide Club. They were entertaining, didn't scare me though, must be my crazyness.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ClansR4gays on 2006-07-08 at 00:23:21
QUOTE(HolySin @ Jul 7 2006, 08:29 PM)

-A creature or ghost that kills you if you do not stare at it (seriously, I find this much more scarier than a monster that kills you if you do stare at it).imagine you're in your bed and you stare at it and it stares at you. You blink and it's slightly closer. You then stare at it for hours and get tired.

Even though I disagree with you about the grudge, that is an awesome idea. I mean it really sounds too good not to be stolen from something already.
I'll be sure to credit you when I steal it...USE it some day. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DuRo on 2006-07-25 at 01:39:54
grude, i give it points for originality, not for the dumb girl ghost, but the storyline, how all the peopl(mom, dad, kid) had grudes and stuff, lol...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Chronophobia on 2006-07-25 at 17:10:58
Why doesn't anyone mention Donnie Darko? Well it changed my view on things!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chrono_seifer on 2006-07-27 at 13:26:01
Oh dude some sick sh*t and ive seen the audtion b4, gross dude
that second movie sounded really intresting and i was wondering where
I could check that out, I got a collection of movies, its a series Faces of Death
now this is real life events of people getting killed animals being cooked alive
PEOPLE eating other PEOPLE, sick sh it :< but im thinking these your jap
flips might be more gruesome even though Faces of Death are Real life events.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-07-28 at 12:53:08
Excellent choices in the first post (though it seems like you have a Tartan fetish tongue.gif).

The Grudge was crap. I'm sorry, but the director remade that same film shot-for-shot at least 3 times and its still just as bad. I saw nothing original about it, seeing as how it ripped off Pulse, Dark Water, and Ringu (all the Japanese versions - the American remakes were crap, too).

On this DVD called "3 Extremes," there's a short film called Box. I suggest you find that one as well if you're into Asian horror flicks (my forté). Actually all the shorts on hat DVD are awesome, though "Box" was the best.

Another interesting one I saw today was The Booth (yet another Tartan release) which was slow, but had a captivating idea and very interesting writing. The setting was simple and the ending was short and sweet, two things Asian filmmakers do best.
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