It's very systematic. I have other maps that have similar spawns aswell. (Which worked) It's all so I can have players stop and control their own spawns, also so that I can have hyper triggers and no problems. Also I have selected modes. It may seem slightly confusing for you at first... I assume you sorted it out fairly quickly.
Switches 1-4 control spawns for Forces 1-4 of Ghosts/Marines
Switch 5 Controls Switches 1-4 Turning On, if they're not turned on by one trigger then they tangle triggers and make create double spawns. I did this, I had to start over.
I use this system and repeat with Lings and Vultures. Switches 6-10 for Lings, 11-15 for Vultures. I would've continued to make Hydras but realized my bug. Switch 250 controls all triggers. 250 is set when a Mode is selected. 253-256 Control which mode is selected. There's 4 modes. Switch 251 controls the scoreboard.
I've hardly done any triggering yet because of this... annoying bug. Actually... the map was insanely complex when I was trying to render feeding useless. I had a good 20 triggers with 4-6 conditions and 10 actions... It was a failure, the triggers froze up and I couldn't get it to work properly. I just figured I'd abandom that idea and work on the spawn. Now the spawn is giving my problems. I think, considering that I'm not going to have Anti-feed, due to the difficulty to create it, that I might aswell get rid of Hypers. The main problem with the Anti-Feed is that you have to go on coicidences of Kills and Deaths. The Death Score and the Kill Score are very intertwining, oh well I had to abandon that.
I hope you figure out what's wrong, later on. I can't at all, to me it seems that it should be working perfectly. And I don't want to delete those and make spawn triggers for each player, that's double the work. Especially when I have to figure out how to make an effecient anti-feed.
Edit: Current Player is there so I can sort out my Death Timers from other triggers. That's it.
Edit2: Upon further reading of your post, I realized that you're right. I thought this might've been it but I really didn't want to change the triggers. I know about the Slot trigger cycle. I just assume that All Players was in front of the players regular triggers, thank you. I realized what I have to do, I just have to set the Timers in top of the other triggers in Player Triggers.
I thought this might've been the problem, I just didn't want to accept that.
Fixxed, I just moved the Timers to the player numbers instead of All Players, worked great, I though I would've had to make it individual. Also, if you're wondering why the map is turning out so complexly... I'm making it have anti-feed and other things that require Hyper Triggers. That spawn was the most simple I could think of for 4 forces. Kenoli, have you ever played the other SBW map I made? It's just as if not more complex.
Map: a different note, know of any possible way I can have an effecient Kill Register System without freezing up? It has to be able to handle uo to 20 kills at the same time from 8 different players on 9 different players and register is they BSed or got a legit kill.
-Closed, Solved... Thank you Zeratul. I can't believe I made such a dumb mistake. Think you can tell me how to make a Kill Register System though?