Although this is in the wrong forum, here's your answers
1. In my oppinion, Scmdraft 2
2. You don't, you create them for computer players and make the units go in the bunkers via ai trigger,
then you give the bunker to another player
let's receive guest kindlily even though he had bish on hre
i think he just mistaken Category a reason my this saying.. Sometime i've mistaken either
to DarkGangur07
Best editor is just suitable editor for ur capability
most important matter is just ur idea for creative map
Anyhow tools is just tools there are no big different from eachother

The 'best editor' is up to the user.
X-tra Editer is the most newb friendly, but is also the most limited by far
Starforge is my personal favorite, and once you get the triggers ( for some, this seems impossible, for others, it takes a few seconds to understand ) , and allows you to do oh so very much more with unit placement and modifying unit stats, and it also allows you to set numbers to 0 without inputting a large number to rollover ( is that what's happening? ) .
Then there's SCMDraft, which, so far as I know, is pretty similar to Starforge, though I haven't used it much, and while the triggers may seem more complicated at first, that's just because SCMDraft doesn't divide them up for you. The advantage to SCMDraft's trigger editor is that, since it just gives you the entire triggers list, you can create programs that will generate mass numbers of triggers -- such as kill x units, give x minerals triggers -- that you can just copy and paste into it.
Also, this is the wrong forum, please go to the Mapping forum for Mapping related questions.