Squad Tactics*(*Name is subject to change)Plot: The year is 2113. Earth is literally torn by war. Mexico and the US have been separated due to repeated bombings of Texas. The plates of the Earth's crust are actually breaking away at the edges from the wear of battles. The countries of the world had disputes amongst themselves, so they all split into provinces, simply called "groups." Each group is fighting with the other groups for leadership, so all of the groups can be united under one supreme leader. A group called "Kämpfenden Messer," or "Fighting Knife,” seems to be gaining power more quickly than other groups. Blagden Dietrich, the leader of Kämpfenden Messer, hires many mercenaries, and when one is captured and interrogated, they all say that they can't reveal the secret of Dietrich's victories. Squads Foxtrot, Sierra, Echo, and Quebec fight for the Broadsword group, an opposing faction of Kämpfenden Messer and the “good guys” in this story. The squads are all taken by airlift to a small base in the jungle. A main Kämpfenden Messer base is nearby, so the fighting is long and fierce. Their mission: Find Kämpfenden Messer's secrets and eliminate the base completely, but what the Broadsword squads discover is much more than superior weapons or armor...
Special Features:- Four squads, each player controlled and filled with four different soldiers.
- Each squad member has a unique personality (shown through text messages).
- Each squad member has two special abilities'
- Bombs galore! Both timebombs and tripwire trap explosives are included!
- New vehicle system so you can choose if you want to pick up or run over!
- Jungle tileset
- Squad members don't die, they get 'incapacitated,' in which case you must carry their 'body' back to your base'
- Much more!
Characters (special thanks to Pyro_Maniak14 who helped me come up with these for hours on end ):FOXTROT SQUAD:Sgt. Jack "Icy" Sullivan (Foxtrot 1): Squad leader of Foxtrot. Known for his ability to stay calm in even the most intense combat. Also, people call him cold-hearted because of his high kill count. Wears icy blue armor because of his nickname.
Spec. David "Sights" Ackerman (Foxtrot 2): Foxtrot's sniper and recon expert. Has the nickname "Sights" because he doesn't use a scope, only ironsights to aim. Despite this, he still has deadly accuracy.
Spec. Jozef "Flint" Armand (Foxtrot 3): Foxtrot's demolition expert and all-around fire lover. The nickname is self-explanatory.
Pvt. FC Jim "Twitchy" Herrick (Foxtrot 4): The newest member of Foxtrot and resident medic/vehicle expert. He got his nickname because he tends to be the jumpiest member of the squad.
SIERRA SQUAD:Sgt. Dane "Psycho" Collins (Sierra 1): Squad leader of Sierra. His squad calls him "Psycho" because he is known to get a little trigger-happy when the going gets tough, and a little crazy when it comes to ordering air strikes.
Spec. Chris "Shadow" Warner (Sierra 2): Shadow is Sierra's sniper. He loves to use his cloaking field, so he usually keeps an extra field generator with him (restores 60 energy when used).
Spec. Jason "Sparks" Carter (Sierra 3): Sparks is Sierra's demolitions expert. He got the name "Sparks" when he set a defective bomb in training. Instead of exploding, it simply shot a few sparks and then went dead.
Corp. Brendan "Trigger" Parker (Sierra 4): Sierra's medic/vehicle expert. He's called "Trigger" because he has the fastest reflexes (and strongest trigger finger) on the team.
ECHO SQUAD:Sgt. Sam "Adams" Harper (Echo 1): Adams leads Echo. One night his buddies got drunk and when sam brought them more beer, they started calling him Adams (they were drinking Samuel Adams beer).
Spec. Steve "Crosshair" Cummings (Echo 2): Crosshair is the sniper for Echo. His squad thought that it was a good name for him when Crosshair explained his technique of aiming: He imagines a crosshair at where he is pointing his gun.
Pvt. FC Nikolai "Boomer" Bjornn (Echo 3): Demo expert and new guy of Echo. He yells, "BOOM!" whenever one of his bombs detonates.
Spec. Brian "Brain" Campbell (Echo 4): Echo's medic/vehicle expert. Unlike the other vehicle experts, Tactic isn't a "Shoot first, ask questions later" kind of guy. He has the most strategic mind on Echo.
QUEBEC SQUAD:Sgt. Bill "Fuzz" Mitchell (Quebec 1): Quebec lead. He's called Fuzz because the last time he shaved was so long ago he doesn't remember.
Corp. Tom "Kilo" Sarsgaard (Quebec 2): Sniper of Quebec. He boasts that he can take out an enemy from kilometers away, given the right gun.
Spec. Lucas "Shanky" Hitchins (Quebec 3): Squad Quebec's explosive expert, and he loves blades. He's always ready to spring into action with his trusty combat knife.
Spec. Erik "Nurse" Thatcher (Quebec 4): Before becoming Quebec's medic, he was a nurse at a small hospital. His team thought it was funny that he was a male nurse, so it became his new name.
GENERALS:Joseph McGregor (Broadsword): The man behind the desk that gives orders to our heroes and runs the whole show. It is said that work is his personal life.
Blagden Dietrich (Kämpfenden Messer): Not much is known about this German war elite, except that he definitely has something to hide.
Squad member classes:Squad Leader (Jim Raynor [Marine]): All-around good soldier. Special abilities are Air Strike (bombs dropped from light bomber at ‘painted’ location) and Emergency Evac (pickup by copter and brought back to the last allied base entered).
Sniper(Stukov): Longest range and most powerful weapon, but slowest firing rate and the only one without stim packs. Also has the weakest armor. Special abilities are Infrared Binoculars (detection/longer sight range) and Sharpshoot Mode (strong, but immobile, sniper).
Demolitions expert (Gui Montag):Main weapon is a wide-spreading flamethrower. Has the strongest armor. Special abilities are Timebomb (a timebomb with timer choices of five, ten, fifteen, twenty, or thirty seconds) and Tripwire Bomb (a bomb that is triggered by an invisible ‘tripwire’).
Medic (Marine): Provides the main firepower for the team, along with the squad leader. Another all-around guy. Special abilities are Medpack (heals units in vicinity) and Vehicle Mastery (makes vehicles hero when he is pilot, ability is passive).
All squad members have knives for close combat. Close combat mode can be toggled on and off, and can activate automatically when an enemy gets close (player needs to activate this).
Progress/Updates:July 02 2006, 19:12 (hours): Added update thing and started screwing around with timebomb triggers.
21:26: Started
photoshoot thread.July 03 2006, 14:26: Finished the timebomb and completely debugged it! Woohoo! Now it's on to AIR STRIKES!
17:42: Added items section to thread.
July 05 2006, 11:19: Realized how retarded I was in not checking the dates on the updates thing!
12:01: Air strike testing fun time!
Still have no idea 10
Screenshots/demoScreenshots coming soon! Demo... Not so much.
Items- Timebomb (Demo expert)
- Tripwire bomb (Demo expert)
- Cloaking generator (Sniper)
- Field MedPack (Medic)
- First aid kit (All)
- And more!
Special Thanks: Pyro_Maniak14, he's done a lot of naming and a little terrain critiquing, and I think he'll probably help more in the future!
Our photographers: Maith, Killer_Kow(MM), and dumbducky!
Kris, the guy who is being my SC map backup in case my hardrive dies (for the third time
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Offers of monetary support?