Players: P8
Conditions: Bring(Force1, AtLeast, 1, Shadow's Followers, start2);
Actions: SetSwitch(Switch 1, Clear);
SetSwitch(Switch 2, Set);
Players: P8
Conditions: Switch(Switch 2, Set);
Actions: MoveLocation(b1, Shadow's Followers, P1, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(b1, Shadow's Followers, P2, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(b1, Shadow's Followers, P3, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(b1, Shadow's Followers, P4, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(b1, Shadow's Followers, P5, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(b1, Shadow's Followers, P6, Anywhere);
Players: P8
Conditions: Bring(P8, AtLeast, 1, Dark Archon, b1);
Actions: KillUnitAt(All, Shadow's Followers, b1, All Players);
KillUnitAt(All, Shadow's Followers, b3, All Players);
KillUnitAt(All, Shadow's Followers, b5, All Players);
Players: P8
Conditions: Bring(P8, AtLeast, 1, Dark Archon, b1);
Actions: Order(Dark Archon, P8, b1, Patrol, b2);
Order(Dark Archon, P8, b3, Patrol, b4);
Order(Dark Archon, P8, b5, Patrol, b6);
That's what I have so far and if I get killed by a Dark Archon, the Dark Archon starts to patrol on another Dark Archon's patrol route. Do you know what's happening?
Say I'm driving a car and something is wrong with it. I can't say to the mechanic "well I push on the gas peadle and the car moves, whats wrong?" If you did they would stare at you blankly and say "...Yeah?, what did you expect it to do?". But when you say "windows didn't roll down", they can say "well you don't roll the windows down with the gas peadle, you use this little button on the door"
The moral of this story is you need to tell people not just what you are doing, but what you are trying to do as well.