What's the unit sprite limit?
What's the limit for triggers?
Umm i cant remember first one, 1600?
But you really dont need to worry about second, its a lot, Ull never go over it! I think its 1000 or something per player.
Can you break the limit of 1600?
No the units just wont be created, a warning will come on saying something like this.
Unit Unplaceable - Unit [Marine] Unplaceable - (5678), (1250)
and over and over if this occurs more than once!
Umm 7-7, I'd recommend not to post if you are going to guess...
Here is a tutorial for map limits.
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?tutorial=104And the trigger limit is not 1000 per player. It's a very high number so don't worry about ever reaching it.
I was basically right on both, Some outrageous number for triggers and the units, sprites I was off by 100! Not too bad, I know I was guessing but I had an idea thats why I did!
anything to do with text and sound
Any text entered by you is a string.
Text such as location names, comments, unit names, map name, map description, in-game text displays, and... yeah.
Oh, and the trigger limit is 1,789,569.
I had thought units + sprites limit together was 1700, with the unit limit that you can place in the editor being 1650. Hitting this makes the white "Units Cannot Be Created" message display.. pardon me if I forget the wording. Also, many units whose attacks require sprites lose their ability to attack. In general, you want to stay away from hitting the in-game unit limit, since it adds to a bunch of no fun.
And the trigger limit is so rediculously high that the map size from such a massive amount of triggers would be more of a worry than the actual limit. The string limit is 1024.
EDIT: Here's the tutorial: