QUOTE(JoJo. @ Jul 4 2006, 01:05 AM)
nothing but obstacle ideas...
1)have a sqaure that has larva in it and you dodge the larva while every player has to get to a location...the location could switch with other players if you missed the time limit..you could still save a player,
2)how about a chase the scarab obstacle? you'd have to collect scarabs to open up rooms for other scarabs...within a time limit
you should have obstacles mixed up like not just every obstacle timed maybe just 2 or 3 are all one time limit for no reason or because they all need timed...don't do the entire thing on one timer though..
3)maybe you could have it so when every person dies a live is lost then every1 is respawned..maybe you could have some obstacle times very short and after the time ran out one player would be killed at random...and maybe sometimes no1 would die
...change it up
1) is a nice idea I might use it at a later stage. Maybe change it a little cos dodging just a larva has been done before....hmm maybe slowing a ling down can be used on that...we'll see.
2) I've already got a scrab level Idea sorted. It's one where you've gotta get past them where a ob is chasing you. I did it in "selector bound 2" I'l post a screeny but It was a gem of a level
3) hmm.....indeed timers should be used in this somewhere.
Cheers for the ideas bud.
Sounds good to me
Good luck, I'll be looking forward to playing it [right][snapback]517474[/snapback][/right]
Yup, yup, yup.
I' m not a fan of Bounds, but, this interests me. This Bound should catch the eye's of all gamers.
Ah crap now I got pressure. I'm a perfectionist if ppl are depending on me and with all you guys wanting to see it I'm gunna have to be extra good. No prob I shall give it my all!