QUOTE(smasher25 @ Jul 5 2006, 01:58 AM)
I would suggest staying away from Starforge for now. Lol the triggers are so hard I've been in the map making buisiness for 3 years and I still cant do Starforge triggers.
*shortened it
StarForge Triggers, in my opinion, are very useful with bounds, so you dont have to make the same trigger like in staredit, you can just copy the triggers and paste, change the #'s, that kind of stuff. Forget that, lets get to the movie map-making.
a movie map like Probert the Probe? Maybe ask Moose or Army for help. I know Moose made Probert and has some experience with movie map-making.
But i think Army made a MAke Your OWN Movie in a map.
Sry ive never made a movie map and there hard maps to start out with
maybe ask someone and they could give you some helpful triggers with Email or PM with attachment of triggers?
PS. Sry forgot you posted moose