Can the neutral player (12) run triggers and have deaths?
The player itself can't own triggers, but it can be affected by triggers. And deaths... I don't think you can detect deaths of players 9-12, at least when I tried to.
ya, what noober said.
i'm kinda confused about 9-12 deaths too. i'm sure they used to be detectable but i think 9-11 have been disabled - from what i remember hearing P12 should still work. 12+ i'm pretty damn sure don't work though. i've never used any of them, so i can't be sure. Kenoli should be able to confirm this
You can't have deathcounters for players 9-12. That's why when there was the EUD Action fad going around, MemCalc would sometimes give you an error saying that you couldn't use deaths for players 9-12.
Well that is for setting deaths at least.
Player 12 cannot run all of the triggers only some not sure if there is a list somewhere. For example you cannnot spawn units for P12 but you can give units to them.
Well, players 9-12 all have the same properties regarding what triggers work. I think that all triggers will work for them except create unit.
What I really wanted to know was that if p12 could have death counts for a timer and, I think that question was answered.