This is what I'm working with so far, nothing is concrete if you see a problem and would like to suggest a change please do so -if it's a good idea
if not
. I know I can balance the units, but
I need help knowing logicly in the game what beats what (like how firebats beat lings).
Should I always have it terrain beats zerg, zerg beats protoss, protoss beats terrian? -10 units create everytime you buy them from a dropship.
Level 1 units 200 minerals and 400 minerals for SCV
-SCV (high hp low or no attack [I'll worry about it later])
-Zergling ling beats zlot
-Zealot zlot beats firebat
-Firebat firebat beats ling
at anypoint correct me if I do something stupid with the __beats__
Level 2 units 300 minerals
-Ghost beats hydra?
-Archon beats does good damage to all but doesn't beat anyone unless you get alot so the unit can spray/splash when it gets close?
-Hydrolisk beats
-Marine beats
Level 3 units sarah and goon 400 minerals hunter and goliath 450 minerals
-Sarah(Ghost) beats
-Dragoon beats
-Goliath beats
-Hunter (Hydra) <-if you have a suggestion on another unit for this spot it would be good because their is also a lvl 2 hydra and it could get confuseing if your playing and the enemies hydras are wooping more than you thought
Level 4 units
-Valkyrie (600) beats anything flying
-Scout (450) is even with wraith?
-Wraith (400) " "
-Mutalisk (600) beats
[FONT=Impact][COLOR=gray]I you help thank you very much!