-Yah yah,i know all,other RE map??!! yes,other map xD
-The main objetive of the game is defend the RPD Building whit your onw life.If you loose the RPD Building you are lost. Well is a defence-ofence map,like the Panzers Map (RC) or TooCoolToBeTrue´s map (Last Bastion) but whit my style and other things.. (and i say that my style is muuuuch diferent that the others map makers that you saw before


(UBCS figthin´ in Raccoon City)
(BETA still)
-Well is playable but im workin´ in the texts,triggers and balancin´ the units.
•4 Heroes and 6 Secret Heroes.
•Realistic Weapons,and RE Fictional weapons like the Mine-Thrower or the Anti-B.O.W. Gun
•Great Sound effects and RE Themes from the Original games
•Realistic Terrain whit "real" sites and zones like the "Hot-Sex Club" or the Black-Downpart
•A lot of details,units,weapons and stuff.
•Whit a lot of locations that wink the others RE Series
-Resident Evil 2
-Resident Evil 3
-Resident Evil Outbreak
-Resident Evil Outbreak File #2
-Biohazard 4D Execiutoner (The RE Movie)
•Whit some documents and archives for learn and get information about the characters,history,secrets,etc..
•Every hero have got a special ability and others skills.Kyle for example can use a personel-smoke grenade for scape if he are in danger or if need heal.
•Furthemore,appart of the personel-abilitys the heros can use the "general-skills" too!,like set up barricades,prepare battle-defends,heal the other allieds or call reinforments for the battle-camp.
•The game only have got one "difficulty mode" (normal-hard,more or less) but hav got other options like "game-options".For example one of these "game-options" is revive your hero,buy a NPCs Team for the CPU Player or locate your hero if you cant find him.
•The game have got a "Grenade System".You can use 6 types of greandes (fire rounds,freeze-ice grenades,etc..) whit different combinations and properties.
•The game have got other characters,for example,the "CPU Player2" is the "hero player",he have got a certain number of special-units,if one of these units die,a text appear in the game-screen for tell you who are.(all the RE Outbreak Police officers will be here and other UBCS,like Dustin or Karl)
•The game have got too a "secret shop" where you can buy and recruit the powerful units in all the game and other things.
•You can buy units (like other RPD Members,Sgt,RPD Attack-Dogs,UBCS,or Controlled B.O.W.S),upgrade and improve your own units or buy and get new skills.
•You can found more survivors (like civilians,lost soldiers,or others characters) in the streets or other areas.
•The game will got a "Hit-Battle combo",if you kill a certain number of enemes in a little time you can get more money or other rewards
•The RPD have got differents security-systems that you can operate it (Nerve-Gas,Fire-Oil,Automatic-Missiles,Gatling Guns,etc..)and you can figth whit the other RPD members in the barricades and in the defensive lines (like in the Panzer´s Map)

(RPD Arthur regroupin´ the survivors in the Raccoon Streets,

•And finally,you can find special items and secrets like new weaponry,units or vechicles.
•4 Human Player and 4 Cpu Players (maybe the Pl12)
-Map tileset
•Badland Terrain
-Map size
•192x192 (square terrain

Storyline / Introduction
After the mansion incident, Jill Valentine decided to stay in Raccoon City when the other remaining S.T.A.R.S. members, except for Brad Vickers, headed to Europe to take on Umbrella. At about the same time Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield arrive in Raccoon City, Jill begins to realize that T-Virus has spread and almost everybody in the city was infected.
Meanwhile, the Raccoon Police Department continues to take action against the impeding disaster. Many of the city's streets are barracaded to prevent the approach of more infected civilians, and everybody remaining alive has accepted the fact that their city has been overthrown by zombies and monsters alike.
However, the police were not the only ones taking action. Umbrella Inc., the primary employer of Raccoon City, also sent in the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service, or U.B.C.S. for short. After battling it out with the undead, the U.B.C.S. soon had the same fate as the R.P.D. Only a little group of survivors in the front battle-lines remained alive, Kyle Christian , Billy , Matt and Mac.
•Kyle Christian : the UBCS Leader and commander of the operation.
•Billy : A great UBCS Member who is the Captain of the operation.
•Matt : One of the greatest soldiers in Raccoon City, a great heavy-solddier.
•Mac : The fact is that soldier dont belong to this team,he is rescued in the Raccoon City streets when he was helpin´ the survivors in tha Raccoon Main Avenue,but the zombies overwhelmed his position and he runned to the Kyle´s Helicopter,helped by the others members.
•Secret Characters : The game countain 6 secret-bonus characters that you can found,completin´ sub-objetives or exploring some special-zones.
•All the weapons that appear in this game are true or realistic,like Desert Eagles,M4A1 Navy,H&K MP5 Commando or others.Moreover the game countain secret weapons and other "types" of weapon like Umbrella´s experimental weapons (Anti-B.O.W. Launcher) Acid-Thrower or the eternals Flamethrowers.

Downloads & Sceenshots
Here are some "real" screenshots of the main characters.

(UBCS Mac from REOB2)

(UBCS Billy from REOB2,and RE3 Intro)
Dedicated to my best friend TooCoolToBeTrue and SC-TitanianWork
-(Sorry for my poor-english xDDDD)