I was wondering is there a way of making computer's tank not unsiege?
No matter what??
I don't think so... at least not if your useing an AI script, but you could always give the seiged tanks to another comp without any AI scripts.
-There are no AI scripts to seige a tank.
-Do you want the tanks to not unseige because you don't want them to go anywhere? or do you only want them to attack in seige mode?
-I think -I THINK that their are two different units for tanks -regular tanks -and tanks in seige mode (correct me if i'm wrong) but if you could make the regualr tanks into a tank in seige mode then even if the computer changed it wouldn't matter, but then you would only have a seige tank also.
You dont need any scripts. Just give the comp the ability to not unsiege.. err i dont see whats so hard. It shouldnt unsiege, unless you got an edmund duke. If you do just make sure ur not running any ai scripts for that computer, the tank shouldnt unsiege
No, disabling the Siege Mode technology does not stop computer players from unsieging tanks. Yes, the Tank Mode and Siege Mode tanks are two different units, so you can remove-create, but that will cause it to never attack (will always be in transition). There is no real way to stop AI tanks from unsieging.