Well.... Well... Guys Voice: RESIDENT EVIL..... hehe I love it
Well Anyways Im planning this project and Since im a REALLY lazy it will take me a while. If you played the first outbreak series game, then u should really luv the first lvl and im planning to make it VERY IDENTICAL.
-TerrainWell im just done with it. I think.
-Unit placementUh just placing Hero Selection. LOL
-TriggersNot even Trying to get there Yet
I hate them but,
-Players•1-6 I think... Not sure how many A.I
-Map tileset•Space
-Map size•128 X 128
1. Kevin Ryman
2. Cindy (????)
3. Yoko (???)
4. Mark (???)
And many more....
Storyline / Introduction
The Story Begins in Alice's Next Adventure in OZ.... j/k LOL Ok... The REAL STORY BEGINS in Raccoon City in the Sewers while Agent Codenamed HUNK was sent with some other Umbrella Agents to the sewers to pick up a Sample of a G-Virus. He Succesfully Did but he miracously survived ALONE..... All his men were totalled by G-MUTANT [William Birkin AKA Creator of Virus-G] which bodies lie on floor soon RATS came and eat the corpses infected with the vile virus and spread it in all Raccoon city sewers and animals INCLUDING HUMANS. Meanwhile in JACKS BAR AKA J's BAR Right next to the incident were happily enjoying unknowing of the situation to enjoy their Drinks n Food. When a Infected Victim Enters the Door....
Cough* Cough* Dang that was hard to type *INHALES*
-Player InterfaceMaybe an Ammo Reload System
If im really into it il add a Virus GUAGE and a a DIFFICULTY CHOOSER to add a Spice to the map.
-What's new in MY map that others have not done before?NEVER BEFORE USED VIRUS GUAGE!!! READ ON TOP.
-ItemsHerbs, Anti Virus , and Keys
-BossesLook for detonator and a Licker Boss[ NOT IN REAL GAME]
Screenshots / Demo
The Bar but not Completed. Remeber this is an ALPHA MAP FOR NOW.
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