The Survival of 40 days
You and your squadren e-C3 must explore a distant planet while examining and
laying back on dust of danger. After the 40 days you must run back to the escape
shuttles in a dangerous yet exciting chase.
-Ideas[progress]99[/progress] 100% While I was sleeping it all came along
-Terrain[progress]100[/progress] 100% Already did this in a snap
It's 128x128 in desert. But this game is based of mars survive 4 but arent the same map. I have finally completed the Terrain and now finishing up the aliens units and then I'll get back to the Triggers.
-Triggers[progress]10[/progress] 10% I was asking questions earlyer on mission briefing and others.
-Players Settings•Player-1 and cheif leader of squadran
•Player-2 Squadren crewman
•Player-3 Squadren crewman
•Player-4 Squadren crewman
•Player-5 Squadren crewman
•Player-6 Squadren Crewman
•Player-7 Alpha Squadren Navigators a.k.a AGN. Also is a computer player.
•Player-8 Undiscovered Planet infested with alien mutants. Also is a computer player
-Map tileset•Desert. Mainly rock but covered in sand. Tar rotts the planets surface.
-Map size•128x128
Storyline / Introduction
Enter an Uncharted planet and follow through the epic missions while surviving biologic attacks and gather the required specimens in 40 days. The reason why its 40 days is because the life support systems have been damage during the crash landing. Make a small settlement with your crew and run back to the ship and fly off. But while you were on this planet feeling that you were safe the mastermind Duran has caught site of you and wants to destroy your whole crew and database along with you. When all missions are completed return back AGN central and shoot and interglactic melegoctic interphase quatom uberkelosis desmatic

krash bomb at the mother ship and return back home!
-Characters•Commander Oneth will guide you the missions
•Co-Leder A'kleil will be the main operator
I'm still thinking of more names. Post some and I might credit you
•Alien Mastermind Duran. (Sorry just had to borrow one from starcraft

-Weapons•R-07 Fusion Manipulater (SCV)
•Archas Squadrens Laser Gun (Marine)
•Alpha FirePatrol e-137 (Firebat)
•Alpha Feild Medic (Medic)
•Alpha Squad Tank (Siege Tank)
•Alpha ScoutCraft (Vulture)
•Alpha Mecha Tank (Goliath)
Screenshots coming
-Items•Alien Specimen Jars
Testers and credits
Untill I finish and I test on my own I will ask those who want to beta test. Thanks for reading and also tell me if Survival of 40days is a good name cause I feel it sounds ugly

Screenshots / Demo


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