Hey, I am currently making a map just to work on and play in my free time.
I am using Cloaked Beacons, Invisible Bunkers (Stack), and trying to make the map as small as possible.
These are all things I have neer experimented with before. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?
and yes, I have read the tutorials.
What exactly are you having problems with?
He doesn't know himself, so he wants some unfourtinate fellow to waste his time digging through the map information and figure it out for him.
Oh... Woops. Sorry!
The beacons are staying the same, although I have it so that they disable and then are given to another player to tell the trigger that it has been changed. I want them to be just the lights, aka an invisible beacon.
The bunkers are not even cloaking. They are just a normal bunker. The units get in and all, but the bunker wont become invisible. I read the tutorial, but it still wont work. I want stackable bunkers.
And I want to have a VERY small map. Something like 30x30 or as close to that as possible.
Did you actually read the tutorials and not just skimmed them? All the info you need is in there.
For glowing beacons: Disable them, then turn on vision for that player, wait 0, then turn off vision. Alternatively, have a detector for you by the beacons, then kill it after disabling the beacons.
For invisible bunks: Move them. As in, teleport.
I have the glowing beacon to work, but my bunk trigger is still not working. It does everything, but the wait when they enter seems to be causing an error. Basically, they enter the bunker, but thats it. The trigger stops there. No error messages, nothing.
Don't use waits, then. Instead, have a small location and center that on the bunk. Only when you bring 3 men into that location does that mean the units are inside the bunk. Then, just move the bunk.
Now I have another problem. I just noticed a big cloud of blue. Observers are dying in the middle of the map for no reason. I think its due to the beacons. I have them to stop dying once P7 loses a certain ammount of observers, but they wont stop. Whats going on?
Look at my triggers for bunkers(powers are bunkers and the Beacon's Fire, Light, Glow are the units going inside):