Message Forwarded From Killer_Kow(MM)
Are you tired of lazy Administration on Moose's part? Then join Dema's Horde! We plot to overthrow
Moose and put Dema in his place! To join, you can help out by doing the following:
1) Set your title to "DEMA FOR ADMIN!!!"
2) Copy this as your signature (optional, due to the fact that it takes up the entire thing. You won't be
able to fit anything else)
[quote=ForeverSin,Jul 12 2006, 06:05 PM][font=Arial][size=14][color=red]DEMA [/size][/color][/font]
[font=Arial][size=14][color=white]FOR [/size][/color][/font][font=Arial][size=14][color=blue]ADMIN!
[quote=Killer_Kow(MM),Jul 12 2006, 06:10
color] [color=yellow]F[/color][color=orange]O[/color][color=red]R[/color]
3) Send Dema minerals
4) If Moose changes your things, CHANGE IT BACK! FIGHT THE POWER!
5) Shout "DEMA FOR ADMIN!!!" whenever its not in the shoutbox.
Thank you for your time,
Demaris: I'm Demaris, and I approve this message.
I fight for moose. The End. I want you to know this.