QUOTE(Survival Test!)
-+= A Clan ShF Production =+-
[center]Survival Test!
You are an apprentice mage, dropped into an arena of sorts, expected to defend yourself while gaining strength in many ways. Your overall mage level will increas with the amount of kills you make.
Game Overview
-= Game Stats =-
- 4 players.
- Around 26/40 waves of enemies.
- 8 Different Upgradable Stats.
-= Stats =-
- HP (in 20% intervals.)
- MP (in 20 + intervals.)
- Intellegence (Faster casting rate and Mana recharge.)
- 3 Fire and 3 ice spells.
- 3 Transformation Abillities.
- 22 Summonable troops.
- Instant 255 upgrades...each costing an upgrade point.
- 3 Level ups for your Hero mage.
-= Spells =-
Fire Spells
Fireball - Aim a mutalisk at a target and guardian morph. A scourge shoots out to the target and blows up on the spot, leaving no survivors.
Firewall - Immediate destruction of all enemies around you.
Meteor - Devourer morph a mutalisk. That same scourge intercepts the devourer, except destroying everything the scourge touches.
Ice Spells
Ice Shot - Same effect as Fireball, except freezes the enemies you hit, dealing "poison" like slow damage to a few of them. These enemies are taken to a box located at the bottom of the map for a few seconds. When your Spell cooldown cools down, they are freed.
Frost Nova - Same as firewall, less mana cost, freezes enemies like Ice Shot.
Glacier - Just like meteor, though killing everything with the scourge, then freezing the contact point.
Fire spells require more mana, though Ice spells may be weaker, they still affect your foes.
-= Transformations =-
Demonic Beast: Torrasque
Mystical Archer: Alexei Stukov
Warlock Spirit: Zeratul
The transformations are nice for when you need that physical attack that you just dont have.
Game Progress
Terrain - [progress]100[/progress]
Triggers - [progress]5[/progress]
Unit Placement - [progress]99[/progress]
Locations - [progress]100[/progress]
Unit Naming - [progress]85[/progress]
Mission Breifing - [progress]0[/progress]
Ideas/Conecpts - [progress]100[/progress]
None! O_o' Yet..
Designer Notes
Be sure to upgrade your Mana and physical attacks for your troops otherwise youll get blindly massed and eaten! O_o Ill have some test versions soon, and perhaps more info. If you have any questions/suggestions/ideas for me...lemme know.
Beta Testers
- None Currently (PM me for possible testing)
Recent Post Updates
Added the spells and transformations. 7/14
I could use a song for my game, technoish, or semi rock/headbangish. Sorta like RUSH's first area music...that would be a perfect example.
PM me if you have something. O_o
This seems interesting, if you need a tester PM me. Wat are the three transforming abillities?
Gah! I just posted and a reply already. o_o
The three transformations are:
Demonic Beast (Ultralisk)
Mystical Archer (Ghost, Not orlando bloom.)
Warlock Spirit (Dark Templar.)
Are you gonna have more spells than those six?
Well... The fact is, the transformations, spells and summons are all spells.
No...Im not, but these spells are going to be all extremly fun to use.
Ill post an update when I get the spells all included.
seems preety cool, gl with it
Yeah, it does seem like a new type of map. Nice and original, good luck
Well, ive updated some info, ill have some of it ready soon for testing...hold on a little more. At least im more productive then a brother of mine... -Cough.- Marine! -Cough.-
QUOTE(Darkling_ShF @ Jul 14 2006, 02:22 PM)
Beta Testers
- None Currently (PM me for possible testing)
QUOTE(Zell.Dincht @ Jul 14 2006, 02:27 PM)
This seems interesting, if you need a tester PM me. Wat are the three transforming abillities?
(PM me for possible testing)
Megaman This is a catchy tune i like, although its from megaman that dont mean you couldnt use it
Here is another one, this one is actually a Loop and sounds like a fight scene, if this is what you wanted
here it is ::
FF8 Music::
Good Luck on this Map, it sounds really uniqe and awsome
Eh, the FF8 song you posted...Isnt from FF8! And is already in everything! xD
And the megaman song...I love megaman stuff... Espically Mega Man X... Not bad, though it sounds like it came from pokemon! xD
Ill consider using it, if I cant find anything bettter, and be sure to put your name in a special thanks.
If your looking for some battle music I can help you out.
I might as well just make music in fruty loops for teh ling ;O
Im sure hes looking for something catchy though. You know, that kinda music that encourages you to push on, but when out numbered leaves you with a feeling of hope that you will survive. Epic in other words.
Here's some good music, it's short though, so I'm not sure if it'll work. You'll have to convert it to WAV too.