Disclaimer: Ok, I've got a lot on my plate ATM so don't expect anything of this any time soon.
That'll give you guys some time before you have to worry about me again, I'm sure. :cackles evily:Anyway let's get the knowns out of the way (about the current Rush, I mean):
- Good, but hard.
- Gunner System's a female dog.
- Gunner System's repetative.
- Gunner System hurts my index finger.
- Gunner System killed my unborn children.
- etc.
So yeah, map is good, but gunner system and gameplay elements hard (but possible!) to work with. That I guess is the price that comes with doing something almost completely new in a game barely equipped to handle the things it's been doing for years.
So in what is probably the pinacle of my insanity, instead of throwing in the towel and deciding Rush (like A&O) would be more fitting for its own mod/game, I'm going to do another installment of Rush for Starcraft UMS. My ambition is to fully and truly create a
new gameplay system out of the existing game that both works well, is fun to play, and is realized with a fully-fledged gameplay implementation.
So where do we begin? Well for one, when I say 'we', I mean simply I'm tired of doing all the work myself. I'm still as of yet unacquainted with a full-fledged team project for Starcraft, as my nasty habits of dabbling in every little thing and never hunkering down to the big stuff usually prevails and I end up spending a year and a half longer to finish something (*cough* *rush* *cough*) than I should... if at all. Bad habit to have while trying to organize a team effort, but one which I intend to break.
Now, I think I know where I intend to go to realize my ambition, though. The gunner system has always been my favored direction, but only now do I think I have the right formula for it to work out. I'll hold off on sharing it until I get a good gameplay prototype for it first, but when I do that'll mark the beginning of official development and planning for the next installment.
Until that point, I just want to get a good image of where to go with the next installment.
Anyway, here's a few questions I want to get a good public sampling for:
- Linearity: Should I focus Ep.2 on having as tight of a gameplay experience as possible along a linear path (ala Ep.1), or should I spread things out and give the player some room with a more non-linear design? Both routes would probably be just as much work/complexity, but if I made the map non-linear it might yield less "epic" gameplay, whereas a more linear design might seem more constraining.
Did it bug you too much in Ep.1 to have only one path to go by, in other words?
- Multiplayer: Should I focus on:
- As tight of a single player experience as possible.
- A slightly looser gameplay experience to allow for limited multiplayer (like the unfinished gunner/bomber thing I was aiming for with Ep.1).
- Open things up totally to enable full multiplayer (multiple gunners/bombers), potentially relegating all "epic"ness to fixed cutscenes or wildly complex (and harder and more time-consuming) implementations?
- ...or should I create (as best I can) two seperate tracks of gameplay to accomodate single player (which'll likely be more story-based and permit more 'intimate' gameplay) in one, and coop (or even DM) with another (which'd likely just be an abbreviated single player)?
(Keep in mind any multiplayer decisions I make automatically upgrade the projects complexity by 50% or more, so I'd like it to be worthwhile enough to people before I bother.
- Ammo/Mana/Charges/etc.: Should weapons and stuff use only limited ammo each, unlimited ammo with reloads (like Ep.1), unlimited ammo altogether, or weapon-specific implementations of ammo (like certain weapons use limited clips, some draw from a full source, some regenerate slowly over time, etc.)?
Keep in mind the latter approach, while adding significant novelty to the gameplay system, will be almost an order of magnitude more complex (but doable) to implement. So I guess the question is: Is it worth it to the players?
- Lives: Limited lives, no lives (one death = bye bye), unlimited lives (ala Ep.1)?
- Time Limit: Single time limit (ala Ep.1), area/mission-based time limits, or none at all?
- Mullah: Money for kills, money for time, or money per area beaten?
- Upgrades n' Stuff: Customizability/upgrades for everything and the kitchen sink, upgrades for only key weapons/stats/abilities, upgrades only for primary stats, or screw the upgrades I just want to kill stuff without that nonsense to worry about.
- Purchase Options: Your choice of 3: Purchaseable weapons/upgrades/etc. (ala Ep.1) only, findable weapons/upgrades/etc. only, or weapons/upgrades awarded per area/sequence only?
I'll likely use a combination of the 3 but I want to know which your preference lies at most.
- Monsters: Simple monsters taking no more than 3-5 hits with reasonable upgrades to make a kill (ala Ep.1), or complex monsters with full-fledged VHP and trigger-enhanced behavior?
Again, the latter will be more difficult to implement (though assume all bosses/mini-bosses will function like that), and may not lend as much to gameplay as simply using old-school monsters to good effect per each area (location/context-activated spawns, organized behavior, etc.)?
- Gameplay Duration: Long and involving (5-10 hours), or short and intense (1-3 hours)?
- Story: Short novel (characters, plot twists, drama, etc.), 5 page fanfic (good vs. evil... maybe a plot twist or a few manditory characters), weekend comic strip (basically like Ep.1 is now), or one-liner ("I maked the bad peoples fall downs!")?
Feedback appreciated.[/left]