Umm... the topic and the description pretty much covers it.
How can I make totaly invisible bunkers like in Random Bunker Defence?
And is there a way to stack buildings using triggers without using Turn off shared vision with yourself AI?
Load the bunker at location A, then move the bunker from location A to location B. The units in the bunker will shoot from location A, even though the bunker is at location B. There is a tutorial on this.
As for stacking without vision disabled, you can only do this by having preplaced buildings, ex: stack 10 buildings on top of each other, remove one, and then you can build on top of it. This happens because of Starcraft's building code. Buildings were not meant to be stacked, so when removing one, the tiles become "buildable".
I was going to make a map when you build a turret, it gets replaced with a pylon and a cannon but... If I want to, Ill have to have every tile stacked and then remove them?
You cannot create stacked buildings with triggers. If you preplaced a pylon and cannon everywhere, you wouldn't have any space to build a turret (unless you wanted to turn off vision for the player, allowing him to stack his turret on top of the pylon and cannon...)
I have no idea why you're not suggesting innovative ideas(I don't understand your post either--maybe you don't know what you're posting?). What he wants can be done.
You could try preplacing groups of fifty-one stacked pylons every certain number of squares from each other, and remove one pylon on each stack, then the SCV can build a turret over it. You can remove the turret and create a cannon. It will work. Remove another pylon after a cannon is detected. Repeat.
theres already a tutorial on this, search for it, its more exact and less confusing
I meant I would have 2 buildings on each tile, delete them one by one.
I think that would make the terrain stackable.