Megaman Navi Netbattle
In this game you battle other Navis with battle chips!
Note: Anyone played the Inu Yasha battle game on It is similar to that.
Ideas: |||||||||| 100% (Complete)
Terrain: |||||||||| 100% (Complete)
Unit Names: |||||| 60%
Battle Chips: ||||||||| 90%
Triggers: | 10%
Overall: 55% (rounded down)
-Ideas•Choose your navi and fight the other player!
•2-P Online Game.
•You move around a Net Field Like in the real netbattle game.
•Use chips like 'Cannon' and 'WideSword'.
•1 Game consists of 3 matches.
-Terrain•The terrain is shaped like MegaMan Battle Network Battlefield.
-Unit placement•EDIT: P1 Will have good navis (eg. Megaman) and P2 will have evil Navis (eg.Clownman From Battle network 6)
-Triggers•Triggers for EVERY chip for ALL POSSIBLE POSITIONS ON THE FIELD.
•Debating over 256x256 or 128x128 or 164x164 Terrain Size
•Debating over Space or Installation terrain.
-Players•2 Players
-Map size•Debating over 256x256 or 128x128 or 164x164 Terrain Size
Storyline / Introduction
What would the Players do in this game?
•Players will choose their navi and they start with a set of battlechips according to
the navi they chose. Their navi willbe transported to the battlefield and they will use chips to fight.
-Player InterfaceHow will the Players play the game?
•Players will move their navi with a control pad like this:
B=Beacon /\
Arrow= Direction Moved B
C=Controller <BCB>
Moving your controller to the beacon will move them that direction
•This game features the use of MegaMan Battlenet BattleChips
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•In this map you will control 1 navi and fight the other
•You will move your navi around in the arena like this
N=Navi Starting Point
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ N ] [ ] [ ] [ N ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
P1 Zone P2 Zone
You can move your Navi onto adjacent tiles, once per turn. Once per turn, you can use 1 battlechip on you opponent.
Good Guys: Megaman, Blues , Killerman , and Shodowman.
Bad Guys: Flameman, Shademan, Bass/Forte (w/e you wanna call it), and Clownman.
-WeaponsHere are some sample chips:
•Protoman SP
•Eraseman SP
•Gutsman SP
•Ross SP
•Colonel SP
EDIT: P1 will have SP and Good alignment chips, and P2 will have DS and Darkchips.
•Mini energy
•Full energy
-Spells•Beast Out
•Dark Soul
Screenshots / Demo
i]'s some links to screenies.
UPDATE: A demo version of the game will be available soon.
UPDATE: Demo version will include:
-1 round of gameplay
-2 navis per side (good and evil) to choose from
Good: Megaman, Eraseman Bad: Clownman, Flameman
-Charged buster attacks
-Fully functional starter chips
-Fully functional navi control pad
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