This has probably been asked lots of times, but I can't find anything remotely related.
Is there any way to stop a sound? If not would it work to cut the sound into sections so it can stop playing after conditions are filled?
QUOTE(i)D(Elite @ Jul 17 2006, 08:24 PM)
If not would it work to cut the sound into sections so it can stop playing after conditions are filled?
That would work perfect, although I'm not sure or not if it will take up more memory in the long run.
Well, Milleniumarmy's hot potato map is a nice example of that, if thats how it works. Ima go get trigger viewer and find out o.o
It's actually quite simple.. but I guess Trig Viewer will tell you everything you need to know :)
In trigger form, splitting up a wave to make it stop playing would look like this:
Switch (to turn music on/off) is set
Current Player has suffered exactly 0 deaths of Counter
Play Wav
Set Deaths: add 1 for counter
Switch (to turn music on/off) is set
Current Player has suffered exactly 1 deaths of Counter
Play Wav
Set Deaths: add 1 for counter
And so on. Then when you get to the end:
Switch (to turn music on/off) is set
Current Player has suffered exactly X deaths of Counter
Play Wav
Set Deaths: set to 0 for counter
And just to make it so that the music starts at the beginning each time:
Switch is cleared
Set deaths for counter to 0
Yep I saw how millen did it. He actually just used like 5 different notes and played them at intervals of 2 in a rising death counter to make music. Hehe very nice.
Does anyone else see this becoming a big thing? Starcraft bands? XD
I wasn't sure about urmom's idea before because I tried it once in a map, but now I remember that was back when I didn't even know bout hyper trigs

Haha, reminds me of when I tried to make a song otu of all the death noises and transmission from the MPQ files. I failed miserably >>
I've been trying to get one of my songs into a map for a while, I would do a system where each note of each instrument was played by deathcounters. That way it would take up the least ammount of space if I used the same notes over again. (A bonus would be that if you played the map at various speeds the music would play at different speeds also.)
The only problem with this is that its really hard to transfer simple note times into deathcounts for really long songs.