World of Poker
Mass Distribution Version (No music)
This map is a virtual poker game. it abides by
all the rules and consequences of the standard
Poker game. All 10 hands, with a total of 355
combinations are built withint the game,
ranked 1 by 1, therefore, it is just like
the real thing, except you are not playing
for real money.
I am proud to present a map, which really
takes starcraft triggering to the limit. The map
is designed, so that each round/game is
completely different, by means of a
104 switch randomization system.
I think you will enjoy this.
Gain the most amount of Minerals from
20 rounds of Poker.
Royal Flush - 10? - J? - Q? - K? - A? - ----------4 Possibilities
Straight Flush - 1? - 2? - 3? - 4? - 5? - ----------48 Possibilities
Four of a kind - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - ----------13 Possibilities
Full House - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - ----------156 Possibilities
Flush - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ----------4 Possibilities
Straight - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - ----------13 Possibilities
Three of a kind - 1 - 1 - 1 - ----------13 Possibilities
Two Pairs - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - ----------78 Possibilities
Pairs - 1 - 1 - ----------13 Possibilities
High Card - A - ----------13 Possibilities
Gameplay Notes
You must remember, although you see your
Hand at the Showdown round, you
don't see your rank within your hand. For
example, if 2 players score the same hand,
such as a Pair, but the first player has 2 Kings,
and the second player has 2 Aces, the dealer
will give the win to the player with the 2 Aces.
However, in the game, the dealer will not tell
you of the other player's Aces.
Thanks for reading, Electroid.
Nice, we need some realistic Poker games

. If you need a tester PM me.
Thanks. I'll definately need to test it during the final stages. I aim to complete this map in 4-8 weeks.
Well i'm just curious to what gameplay will be like? What will you use as cards and what will terrain look like?. Make it cardy like

. Anyways good luck on completion. This will be a really awsome map if you complete.
130 combinations? More like thousands. And thousands. And thousands. You can't look at them individual combination by combination, you have to set it up to figure out who is ahead by more efficient triggers. Especially with next-highest-card situations.
I already told you somebody I know is already 90% done with his map, employing a more efficient detection system. I'm all for you making a poker map, don't get me wrong. I think it can end up being really sweet and fun, however you implement the cards and hands into the game. But don't try to make it exact, because you really have no idea what you're in for if you expect to finish in 4-8 weeks and think there are only 130 combinations.
Good luck with it! I am looking forward to see what you end up doing... I hope you don't give up once you figure out what you're in for, but simply adjust the map accordingly.
Oh man! I love poker man!
Need a tester? I'm free wensday 12:00 - 4:00 PM
Account Name:
The feedback is appreciated guys.
Well i'm just curious to what gameplay will be like? What will you use as cards and what will terrain look like?
you have control over 2 units throughout the game. your ghost either folds, checks or selects the amount you want to bet. your probe can access the tutorial/help information.
i will use a virtual card system. once the map has generated the cards at random (using switches for randomizing and 56 death counters) the player will recieve some text that no other player will see. This text displays their 2 player cards. after a round of betting, the community cards are recieved by all 6 players using the same virtual card system.
im trying to avoid the use of units.
130 combinations? More like thousands. And thousands. And thousands.
i dont think you understand my friend. by the term
combinations, i am refering to the possible playing hands, not the overall number of cards displayed. think about it, there are 14 different combinations for a player who has
Pairs. thats 1 out of 10 hands out of the way. my mistake for not explaining properly, i just thought you'd know what i was talking about.
Oh man! I love poker man!
Need a tester?
thanks. i don't think its ready for testing yet, but i'll message you at a more appropriate time.
Poker rox

We brought chips in one day to my school and played it till the end of the school year, so I'm ready for some good people to play. Cause me and my poker buddies miss our days. Can't wait too see what this turns out to be

its good to hear so much positive feedback. it heightens my motivation. i have a really good feeling about this map, so im determined to finish this real soon, and i will make sure every particle of the game is running as smooth as possible.
I went out of town so I couldn't really reply. I was referring to exactly what you were referring to; possible playing hands. What you completely forgot to take into account was the fact that if I have two 2's and a ace I beat someone with two 2's and a queen. Or if I have 2 2 A K Q I beat someone with 2 2 A K J. There may be only 130 combinations without kickers, but kickers is what makes it so darn difficult in the first place. These cases happen all the time in texas hold em, and your map would definitely have to take it into account.
I think you should do a slightly less ambitious project as not to get unmotivated... but that's just my opinion. Good luck with whatever you decide to do

i appreciate your concern, thankyou. however, ive done all my research now, and i have found that there is a total of 385 combinations. i do not have to script every possibility however, because i am designing a system, which gives the players a rank in relation to their current hand, and IF there is a situaion where the players have equal hands, the kicker card system will execute. you see, each card has a number/rank on a death counter, 1/385. Therefore, the first 13 death counters/rank points will relate to the Kicker Cards. you get points for every single card, even if a combination is not generated. have trust in me my friend, i think i will surprise you with this submission, which i aim to complete in less than a week from now.
this awesome good luck with this dude. Meh, but when you play this game it feels like the seriousness of real poker wont be there... But very nice, now we can see whos best at poker... I like texas hold'em better though lol XD
thanks. i see what you mean about the reality of it, since players are not betting real money, they obviously won't take it as seriously. but i have represented the game just as if it was real life. the thing that really excites me about this map, is that each game you play will differ substantially, and requires a limitless level of skill for the players to improve.
OMG this is the best map i have ever played! did you really make this in less than 2 weeks? if yes, then you are my GOD!
yeah its all finished! im so pleased with it! its definately the best piece of work i have ever achieved. yes, it taken me just over a week to make, but it was alot of hours and brain power! im guna chill out for the next few weeks and give me poor brain a rest lol. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i do.
Is this map already finished?
right click > save as > worldofpower.scx
i tried that, but it saving like a .html :S
dats why i put the .scx
ur supose to type next to it .scx
k, well im just fixing a multiplayer glitch at the moment, then ill add the map again with the .scx.
All I can say is WOOT you're done with this big project
But I get an error:
'Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.
The error returned was:
Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again.'

so it was already finished and now ur fixing glitches?
i tested it in single player, and i thought it was finished. you see, im having problems with battlenet at the moment so i couldnt test it properly. the problem is, that the triggers arent designed to compensate for lag/latency issues. i will have to restructure the backbone of the triggers, then it should be good to go. ill get it done ASAP. thanks for your patience.
I noticed a glitch if u move ur ghost to the spot that continues the tutorial after the tutorial is finished when the game starts the hydra is still there.Also why isnt there a fold option?