i have a suggestion. once the trigger is executed, do any other triggers initiate? usually Wait triggers and, in some evemts, Timers prevent certain actions in other triggers from executing.
maybe you already knew this, but if this is not the situation, are you recycling the location for the shop? in other words, does the location for the shop move place? if this does not solve your problem, im sorry, i can't see what is wrong. if so, try making a new map and create exactly the same trigger in it. it always helps to test your triggers in tester maps.
sorry if this was of no help.
No other trigger is going at the time i checked and the trigger doesn't move but i do use it for another trigger.
Why do you need the wav to play twice? I don't see a reason for it to. I'd say remove the wait and the second play wav. That might help.
It's two different wavs door open and door close.