Hi there! plz i need help whit this trigger...
Player 1
(Command) "Player 1" Commands "at least" "1" "Terran Ghost"
(Score) "Player 1" "Kills" score is "at least 20"
(Set Score) Modify Score for "Player 1" "Set to" "0" "Kills"
(Create Units Whit Porpertys) Create 1 skills point....
(Display Text) Display text for current player "Skill point obtained"....
(Center View) Center view for current player "Skill Point Locations"
(Play Wav) "Play wav..."
(Comment) "Skill Spwn"
Ok,this dont work,i think that the problem its the conditions and the "set score trigger".In theory i want that if you kill 20 units you will get a "Skill point" (a zerg drone) But when the hero kill only one unit,a zerg drone appear in the skills-location.(and always that an unit is killed,a zerg drone appear...
) I dunno what is the problem,coz i putted "20" in the kills not "1"
I think that must be other score-trigger or soemthing...
Plz i reall need help!
See you!