Moving AlongI got alot of work to do
But ill wait till it all is through
So I dont got to come back to you
Moving along brushing my trail as I go
I could tell you who I am but who the hell are you to know
Dont try to find me its a waste of time
Cuz I pick up your trail and am gone on a dime
Maybe I didnt know how to tell you it was the end
I practed on myself but that was just pretend
This is where our roads start to bend[/CENTER]
Woot I made it in time
Maybe the reason people dont join this is because Rednara never posts the winner on time
Lol you just read my post... :\ Wow and now you blame it on me. I dont post the winners on time lol... Look at how many people entered. And you didnt in time. Yes I know Im way over the date, but you wearnt in time either.
I donno if this is done, but its more like SEN Poetry contest itself is over, lol a weekly contest in SEN is impossible. Peoples interest is just totally different and we dont have enough member.