if anyone wanted? could we donate money to the site or whatever to get minerals? lol?
Hmm, a "buy minerals" promotion might be useful if we get strapped for cash.
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Jul 22 2006, 05:18 AM)
Hmm, a "buy minerals" promotion might be useful if we get strapped for cash.
I agree its a pretty good idea. Zeratul how is it lame?
My philosophy is that in the end people who donate money shouldn't have any exclusive advantages over those who don't... but bonuses might be arranged. I doubt it would happen though, its really more up to IP.
wasting real money on a website... for fake money. its [b]worst[b] than Sims:Online(that the right name?), in that game its actually hard to get money. whereas its quite easy on SEN.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Jul 21 2006, 10:38 PM)
My philosophy is that in the end people who donate money shouldn't have any exclusive advantages over those who don't... but bonuses might be arranged. I doubt it would happen though, its really more up to IP.
I'd run it for the kicks of laughing at people who buy fake currency.it would be the same thing. your paying for minerals, its a win win situation... the money goes to staredit.net helping Ip pay for the website and the kid gets his minerals.
you probably get more donations like that if you put minerals in it.
It's just a bunch of numbers. Minerals are worthless.
Unless the government change the currency to minerals and vespene gas.
Ah what my saying unless we have to pay the bill again then minerals are just something we keep.
lol, you guys make it seem like the stupidest thing...Im not saying it should cost alot of money for minerals...if it was really cheap, like $5 for 1000 minerals or something, Im sure plenty of people would do it, and, eventually, the cash would add up bcuz of how many people would trade cash for minerals....so if its cheap, more people will do it...wich adds up...like...20 people doing it is an easy $100 to the site or wutever
Minerals have like no value...
They make you feel important. And in the end, isn't that all that matters?
They don't do all that much.... yet.
QUOTE(Deathawk @ Jul 22 2006, 01:22 PM)
Minerals have like no value...
we already know that and it doesnt matter.
its almost the same as paying for Magic Online, WOW, Final Fantasy Online, Diablo 2 items, Yugioh Online, Xbox Live.
does it make any sence to buy fake crap? no! its just a way to have fun with your extra money.
Great idea. 1000 minerals = 25 cents
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Jul 22 2006, 01:38 AM)
My philosophy is that in the end people who donate money shouldn't have any exclusive advantages over those who don't...
I wouldn't call minerals an "advantage".
I like fake munny. Yea munny pwnage.
It makes ya feel rich, it does.
fo sho red2blue!
like i said, it shouldnt cost more than like...$1 even for 1000 minerals, and since ur all saying its fake mone/no value, it should be very cheap...so yeh, $1 for 500 or 1000 minerals....minerals make you...like...look important....lol!
If you say that... then you must not be very important.
And DTBK would get 100,000 minerals? Good stuff.
Shadow_Paladin had at least 100k before the grand reset, I think it was 116 thousand something.
Godly it was. I would have loved myself if I had 100k+ minerals. <3.
Back when the bank still gave interest, I think I was pushing 700,000.
lol, of course im not important, but i want to(feel) like i am or something, ahaha, but wutever, im over it now, ill do it the hard why and work my way up, ahaha, delete this post if u want or something