The problem seems pretty simple to me.
First you must understand that units come in all different sizes.
Take Marines and Powerups for example:
Marines are relatively small, powerups are larger.
If you move your Marine close to a wall, like this:
(The grayed out area is unwalkable terrain)Then kill him...
And try to create a powerup where he used to be...
You can't. The powerup dosen't fit, it's too big.
Then comes the annoying buzz and the unit unplaceable error.
By the way, the trigger tk5-terror posted dosen't even allow for the location to be moved after the unit has died:
If player 1 controls any men, then move location X on men @ anywhere, perserve trigger.
Anyway, in order to spawn that powerup, you're going to need to move that location away from the wall. Fortunately for you, it's very simple.
First, create a unit, preferably the same type of unit that was killed. In this case a Marine.
Then create a unit that's the same size as the powerup, this unit will be displaced by the first unit:
I used a Vulture. Vultures are the exact same size as Powerups.
Next you move a location to the Vulture, remove both of those units, and finnaly create the Powerup:
Powerups always have been weird in disappearing. For example, in games like SCV football, where there is no trigger but the powerup simply disappears when an scv holding it near an edge die.
That happens for the exact same reason. The powerup is larger than the SCV. If the SCV gets too close to the wall, the powerup doesn't fit.