If I had a trigger with a 10000 milisecond wait and that trigger was triggered in game, would another trigger that had a an always condition and a preserve trigger stop doing what it was doing until the 10000 was up? and would hypertriggers go over a wait?
unless that trigger had a wait trigger also... then that wait has to wait on the 10000 trigger.
if you have to many waits in a map then somewhat the always trigger might lag and it stops just a little bit
In theory, before the wait action is reached, SC goes through all the triggers one time before the trigger with the wait, while running the triggers that it can, and then when it goes back to that same trigger it begins "waiting". When the wait is over it continues carrying out the rest of the actions in that trigger. Then it goes through the rest of the triggers.
If the wait is in the first trigger, then SC goes through all the triggers once.
*This only explains what happens before the wait is actually "waiting"
If you stack waits or have very large amounts of one wait problems occur. At least have some type of action that comes up between the waits, like create unit then have another wait!
QUOTE(Falkoner @ Jul 25 2006, 07:02 PM)
If I had a trigger with a 10000 milisecond wait and that trigger was triggered in game, would another trigger that had a an always condition and a preserve trigger stop doing what it was doing until the 10000 was up? and would hypertriggers go over a wait?
1) No, it would only do that if there was a wait action in that trigger.
2) I do not understand the question.
If one player has at least 2 triggers that are running and both of which have "Wait" actions, they will conflict with each other. Since Hyper Triggers use Wait actions, it will afflict the other triggers with Wait actions.
Does that answer your second question?
a wait action affects the rest of the triggers for the assigned player. so, if player 1 has wait 10000, it will stop the other triggers for player 1, but not for player 2 for example.
the wait action affects the player it is assigned to. therefore, you must have other wait actions running at the same time for the assigned player. you could use deathcounters to track time, like the other guys suggested. just make a trigger, and assign it to a switch, so that if the switch is set, it adds 1 death counter, and preserve the trigger. your other triggers respond to the amount of death counters reached. if the switch is cleared, it resets the death counter to 0, therefore, you can recycle this timing system.
Okay thx, And I was asking on the second question if hypertriggers would make a long wait go away
QUOTE(Falkoner @ Jul 27 2006, 10:44 AM)
Okay thx, And I was asking on the second question if hypertriggers would make a long wait go away
it would make every trigger go faster
QUOTE(Falkoner @ Jul 27 2006, 11:44 AM)
Okay thx, And I was asking on the second question if hypertriggers would make a long wait go away
QUOTE(Mp)MinigameEast @ Jul 27 2006, 12:14 PM)
it would make every trigger go faster
The hyper trigger elongates the other wait so it will feel like it's making that trigger go slower.