I want to have a location with five Larva at all times. And yes, they will be getting used. And I dont want to have a building anywhere.
You should make creep and put 5 larva on it.
Do you want the larva to stay there? Than make higher ground that a cant reach or water.
The only way to create larva during the game is with a Hatchery/Lair/Hive.
If you don't want to use one of those, you can still preplace them, but you'll have a limited supply.
Well, the creep portion worked, but now I need to be able to create more during the game.
And also, I would like to disable them, but the game crashes, what am I doing wrong?
Well, the creep portion worked, but now I need to be able to create more during the game.
The only way to create larva during the game is with a Hatchery/Lair/Hive.
And also, I would like to disable them, but the game crashes, what am I doing wrong?
If you disable a Larva, the game crashes, and there is nothing you can do to change that.
QUOTE(damned_soldier @ Jul 27 2006, 09:47 AM)
I want to have a location with five Larva at all times. And yes, they will be getting used. And I dont want to have a building anywhere.
QUOTE(Kenoli @ Jul 27 2006, 10:00 AM)
If you don't want to use one of those, you can still preplace them, but you'll have a limited supply.
Yeah... And I re-read Giygas post about disabling larva, so nevermind about that.
You could always have like 15 hatcheries stacked up in a corner owned by a computer or neutral player, and when there are 4 or less larva at your spot just simply move one of the computer's larva to your creep and change ownership.
Why don't you want to have a hive anywhere ? Will it totalyl destroy your map ? Maybe we can convince you to have it ?
I am not sure if this works but maybe you do this like invisible bunker but have an invisible Hatchery, like make them created but theres not building there, that would be pretty saweet, and maybe have two invisible hatchery's i the same spot so you will have 6 and then when you use them they will create twice as fast. idk if this works though, just an idea.
Well, the reason I dont want one is the fact that the map is reallly small and I want to keep it that way. But I guess it doesnt matter.
Don't forget you need creep for the larva to be on... No creep the larva die...
QUOTE(-bilal92- @ Jul 27 2006, 06:35 PM)
Don't forget you need creep for the larva to be on... No creep the larva die...
Delete your last post bilal I already told him that!
you dont need creep to keep larva alive, just make the hatchery somewhere and have a trigger that moves all units near the hatchery to an area that's too small for the hatchery to be placed
My friend made a map like 2 years ago it was a battlecraft sorta thing, and the way to buy zerg units was to morph them and you always had larva at your left. Im preety sure you want to do something thats the same. If you want the whole map to be visible ul just have to risk people seeing that you have a hive, lair, or hatchery. But what fritfrat said is perfect, dunno if u need as many as 15, but yeah